Rage and Love Chapter 11 <3

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  • Dedicated to To morgan, my first friend fan, and Jakob, my angel <3

The bullet went straight into Amber's head. Her body, which was clinging to mine, started shaking, then went limp. She was dead. My only friend. Dead.


I screamed and dropped her body. Her ghostly white eyes stared into nothing. Just like Travis's. Blood was pouring into a glistening puddle, through the hole in her forehead. I stood back in fear and glanced at Tyler, who was too busy pushing on the door the make sure the cops didn't enter. He didn't seem to care he just murdered his own sister.


"Who... is everything ok?!" shouted one cop.


"HE SHOT AMBER! SHE'S DEAD!" I yelled. I was to scared to grief about her.


"If you don't surrender in in three seconds, we're pushing the door down!" One cop yelled.






"Tyler, please!" I begged. " You took Travis, Travy-"




It all happened so fast. In what felt like slow motion, Tyler grabbed a second gun from his pocket. He aimed one at my forehead and the other in his mouth. I shut my eyes and grabbed my cross, like I always did in fear.




I held my breath, expecting to feel a painful, slow death. But I felt nothing. No pain. I was to terrified to open my eyes. But I needed to know what was going on. Did Tyler miss? Or did he not shoot at me? And if he didn't, why were the cops not coming inside? Why was it dead quiet?


I gathered all the courage I could and opened my eyes. I expected everying to resume. To be taken off pause. To feel all the pain of being shot again. But no. I opened my eyes to see Tyler with one gun in his mouth, the other pointed at me. Why was he... frozen? He wasn't moving. The bathroom door was cracked. The cops were coming inside, but they were frozen. What the heck was going on. I got up off the bathroom floor and turned around and saw... me.


I was closing my eyes and holding my cross for dear life. But that doesn't make sence! I was over here! I tried to touch the other me, but my hand went right though! What was going on?! Was I a... ghost? I was.


I died. I was a ghost. I had been shot and killed. Yet, I never felt or saw death. It came peacefully and quietly. Now what was I supposed to do?


I decided to look out the window for an idea. Then I saw, in the middle of the feild, and bright, dramtic light. There was a beauitful golden staircase leading upwards. Toward Heaven.


Instead of going through the front door, I jumped through the wall, testing my ghost powers. I went straight through, landing on the dirt road. It didn't hurt my heals. Weird.


I walked through the grassy feilds, walking past Travy's grave. My baby. I stopped and stared at the grave. The flower was shriveled up and brown.


I finally reached the stairway.


"Good bye, Earth." I whispered. I was taking this surprisenly well.


One step at a time now. As I climbed each of the many steps, I thought about things. I didn't think about what was going to happen next. I thought about my life. I think I did a pretty good job. Straight A's all through k-12. That was good. I learned karate. Also good. I met Travis. That was probably the most important thing that ever happened to me. And becoming a mother. I smiled, thinking about Travy.


Finally, I was in the clouds. I stood ontop of a fluffy, soft one. My outfit was different. Instead of the tattered purple dress, I was wearing a white, flowy dress. The tank top part fit snuggly on me. I glanced up and smiled, as I had a purple halo on me. My favorite color. I continued walking until I reached a big, golden gate. The latin word for "Heaven" was written in shimmery silver. The gates, slowly. This made me smile, as I was elated I was accepted into Heaven for eternity. Walking through the gates, I saw a figure in the distance. What was that? Something moving was also visable. I couldn't make out the figure though.


I picked up my pace up a little bit. The figure was getting taller as I got closer. I then saw the figure of a... person? With wings? Oh. I'm in Heaven. I remembered.


I sped up, seeing a little person with wings in the other person's arms. A... baby angel?


My heart beat increased as I started jogging, barefoot. The little baby angel was squirming. What was this? Then I grew close enough to see. It was something green floating above the figures head that was first noticed.


There, stood the most beautiful sight I would ever see. Travis. With his black hair messy, yet perfect. With his white on white tuxido. With his huge angel wings. With his huge, welcoming smile. With his sparkling green eyes. And holding on to him, was baby Travy. His sparkling green eyes, like his Daddy's, were glowing with excitement, just like his little smile. There was Travis, my love, my life, my world, and Travy, my gorgeous baby. Welcoming me into Heaven.


Author's note: Ik this was short but its gonna get better =) this is an emotional chapter lol but this is supposed to be that beautiful moment ya knooooo =) thx new chap soon.... <3

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