Chapter Two: The Talk

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Shrill, raucous laughter filled the Hall at an agonizing pitch. Hiccup gritted his teeth to keep his expression neutral; Finn, however, didn't have any qualms about putting his hands over his ears on occasion. Yes, the Bog Burglars were quite the rowdy bunch... a rowdy bunch offemales for that matter.

Hiccup observed his people mingled with the Bogs, everyone trying to prove themselves in either conversation or might, whether that be in arm wrestling or plans to duel after the meetings. Glancing at his son, Hiccup gently bumped his elbow into Finn's ribs. Finn glowered and sat up straighter. Hiccup stifled the bubble of laughter and focused back on the group. They'd been waiting for Camicazi to show up for nearly forty-five minutes, but that was another thing about the Bogs. They showed up when they felt like it, regardless of the chosen time of arrival. Thus, Hiccup allowed Finn to sleep in a little bit longer than he normally would have. He knew Cami would be late, so there was no point in showing up early.

Today was the day Camicazi and her council would decide whether or not to incorporate dragons into their way of life. And by extension, sign a Treaty to join the allied forces of the Archipelago—mainly the Hooligans, Runians and Meatheads. These three tribes had been trying for decades to join forces with the Bogs to no avail. Being the first to ever make any serious headway, Hiccup was beside himself with nerves, though he did his best not to show it. Only those who knew him best could tell. Finn could tell by the way he crossed and uncrossed his arms almost constantly, shifted his gaze around the room at a constant rate, and tapped his prosthetic against the stone floor.

"Dad, relax. They're going to sign the document."

Hiccup glanced down at Finn, letting his anxiousness show for a moment. He didn't respond for a long moment. "It's not just the document, buddy. It's having them as allies if something were to happen. Knowing that without a shadow of a doubt that we can trust them to cover our-" A shiver ran up Hiccup's spine at that moment. Grabbing a dagger from his belt, he whipped around to clash it against another. Camicazi stood there with a triumphant, mildly impressed smirk on her face. "...backs."

Finn stared at the small, blonde female with wide eyes, while Hiccup narrowed his at her suspiciously. "What exactly are you doing?"

Camicazi laughed as shrilly as her villagers around them. "You're much harder to rob than I expected."

"Rob?" Hiccup and Finn asked simultaneously.

Cami withdrew her dagger, sheathing it noisily. "Yeah. A friend dared me to steal your prosthetic without you noticing. It's a shame you were quick to notice me before I could even make a move."

Hiccup also sheathed his dagger, replying with a flat expression. "I'm sure you would have been so successful." With a sigh to lower his inner defenses, he added, "I'm quicker on my feet than people give me credit for."

"Foot." Camicazi gazed down at his peg leg with interest. "I still can't believe you lost that thing at fifteen. It must've been amazing!"

Hiccup snorted. "Yeah, amazing." Finn snickered.

"Mostly I am surprised that you survived, being a guy after all. Men are wimps when it comes to serious injury. Yet here you stand in one piece! Kudos to you on that one. You're still not as awesome as me and my ladies, but you're on the right track."

Finn promptly snorted at his dad's failed attempt to hide his deadpan. Hiccup quickly rebounded by replying, "Well I'll certainly look forward to working with you in the future then. Surely I can learn a thing or two from you."

"Oh please," Camicazi waved her hand. "Your compliments are meager in comparison to the sheer magnitude of my glory!" She waved her hands over her head dramatically toward the ceiling, before stifling a laugh at the Haddocks' confused, weirded-out expressions. Landing a punch on Hiccup's arm, she said, "Seriously, I'm kidding. Lighten up! And just look at you!" Cami ignored Hiccup's whining and reached forward to pinch Finn's cheeks in her hands. "Oh he's so cute, I could just keep him forever! But alas, you're a male and males don't stick around with the Bogs for very long."

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