Chapter Three: Home Sweet Home

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Finn wasn't the only person who was sad to leave the Bog Burglars at the end of the week. With the treaty signed and the terms of the alliance discussed down to the last agonizingly boring detail, it was finally time for the Hooligans to fly home and hopefully surprise everyone by being home for Snoggletog. But it was clear that the Bog Burglars had rather liked having the Berkians around, if not just for their own entertainment. Camicazi in particular seemed most disappointed.

"You will be coming back, won't you?" she asked as they prepared their dragons for the long flight home (they'd be leaving the ships on the Bog Burglar island). "You're not so bad, you know. For men, of course."

"You're not so bad yours- hrumph!" Finn began before he was elbowed in the ribs by his sheepish looking father.

"Oh, I have a feeling we'll be seeing each other again." Hiccup said in a rather loud voice so his son wouldn't attempt to interrupt.

"But not too soon. You are bringing us single women to help us train, aren't you? Men don't usually last so long here. I mean the ones we have now will probably head for the hills any day now. They all do." Camicazi shrugged.

"I can't see why." Finn winked at the Bog Burglar chief and ducked before his father could smack him on the shoulder to shut him up. "This has been the best two weeks of my life!"

"Oh, you are too adorable!" Camicazi laughed. "But you..." she turned to Hiccup. "It's a good thing you're married because those green eyes are pulling me in!"

Those green eyes widened and became a sharp contrast to the bright red blush on their owner's face. Finn sighed heavily. He just had to inherit his mother's eyes instead of his father's.

"We should probably get a move on." said Snotlout as he secured his last items onto his dragon. "We're already going to be back really late tonight."

"Now you should stay. You're the best kind of entertainment!" Camicazi continued to chuckle long after a furiously blushing Snotlout turned back to his dragon. "It has been a pleasure working with you. And I don't usually say that. Especially to men, of all people."

She spat on her hand and extended it to Hiccup. The Hooligan chief made a face but did the same and shook her hand. He immediately wiped his hand off on his shirt as Finn rolled his eyes. What he wouldn't give for an opportunity like that...

"Well you should be on your way. Goodbye then!" Camicazi immediately jumped back and waved.

"Ah ah, are you forgetting something?" Hiccup narrowed his eyes and held out his other hand.

"I don't know what you're talking about." the Bog Burglar chief said unconvincingly.

"I think you do. Give it back." Hiccup wiggled his fingers impatiently. "That was going to be a gift for my daughter."

"Ohh... fine." Camicazi grabbed a small book out of her pocket and placed it in Hiccup's hand. "I can't imagine why she'd want this."

"Neither can I." Finn mumbled as he tied a few more things onto Thornado.

"She's a special girl." Hiccup said proudly, immediately pocketing the little book. "Perhaps you'll meet her one day."

"I hope so!" Camicazi exclaimed excitedly.

"You wouldn't like her." Finn said, turning back to face the female chief. "She's not your kind of Viking. No stealth. And couldn't steal a sweet from a baby if her life depended on it."

"Finn." Hiccup turned and glared at his son. The teenager turned back to his dragon.

"She is a bit different." piped up Erick, who hadn't been paying much attention until Adrianna had been brought up. "But she really is something else."

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