Chapter Five: Under the Mistletoe

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Gobber truly was a man of his word. When he'd told Hiccup that he could handle the setup of the Great Hall for the Snoggletog party, he wasn't kidding. In previous years Hiccup had organized the preparations as his father always had before him, but with this year's extra distractions and fatigue wearing the chief down, Gobber had insisted on taking over. Well, he had really outdone himself for a man with one arm, one leg and nursing a pint of mead while he worked and ordered people around.

Hiccup stood impressed in the center of the Great Hall as Gobber helped Phlegma the Fierce hang a few more wreaths. Elder Goethi moseyed past him, nudging his shoulder with her staff and giving him a crooked smile. Hiccup nodded to her in greeting before a group of young women and their mothers nearly plowed him over. The bustling group of females tittered their apologies and followed after their mothers with haste. Hiccup chuckled at the learning girls, all so eager to learn their mothers' tricks in cooking and housekeeping. This type of urgency in a woman to perfect everything in her home was something strange to him—he'd only had a mother for six years growing up since his father never remarried and for as long as he'd known Astrid, she was never one for perfect living quarters. Not that she completely loved chaos within their home, but she'd surely go stir crazy if she mended, sewed and did laundry all day, every day. Those things were surely a good work, yes; but everyone was different.

The smell of freshly cooked sweet rolls and buns combined with the pleasant aroma of mutton and boar and fish stews and fries nearly overcame him and it was all he could do not to snatch a plate and start piling it high now. When the elderly women began to trickle in, each carefully holding their pots and pans full of homemade baked pies and desserts, he began to nervously fidget. He remembered one time as a little boy when his parents found him under a table with an entire pan of stolen blueberry pie... nope, he'd never fully recovered from the experience. He wished Astrid was here, or at least Adrianna, to help him keep his head on straight. One of these days, pie would be the death of him.

Gobber thumped over to him and sat down with a heavy sigh. Wiping his face down with a handkerchief, he grinned up at Hiccup. "So, waddya think?"

Hiccup faked concern. "I don't know... don't you think it's a little... weak?"


"I mean, it's still kinda dark in here Gobber. I don't know if anyone can see the floor-"

"Now see here, I got every single light up on those rafters without the help of a single drag-"

"Gobber." Hiccup interrupted with a grin and patted his shoulder. "I'm kidding. It looks great. Thanks."

Gobber deflated and cuffed him on the head like he used to when Hiccup was a boy. "Yeh, you're welcome. And eh... yes, I did use a dragon or two. I couldn't help it."

Hiccup snickered, "It's fine, Gobber. I would've done the same. Gods, it's getting hot in here already."

"And only about a third of the village is here," Gobber smiled wide. "Ohh-hooo look at the pie-"

"Don't even get me started on pie, Gobber. Don't tempt me further-"

"Hiccup, you had your fill on pie yet?" Snotlout's voice erupted from the doorway as their friends and families walked through the doors.

The chief rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to retort, but Tuffnut beat him to it. "Yeah, it looks like he's gained weight already! Look!" Tuffnut promptly jabbed his finger into Hiccup's gut and he slapped him away.

"Ow! Seriously."

Ruffnut rolled her eyes. "Please, that could've been so much worse."

"Yeah? Like how?" Tuffnut taunted.

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