Chapter 1: The Water Basin

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I pull and shove and pull and shove and pull and shove. The dirt covered shirt was submerged in water and pulled out onto the washboard. Water had gone over the sides of the basin and onto my dress. Oh how many times i had asked Ma for a new water basin. The sides were too short and the smithing was awful on the top; it just wasn't curved right!
"I could do a much better basin than the lad who made this junk," i muttered, "but Ma said not to touch a crucible or an iron... No no no she yells." I furiously continue working on the soiled shirt.

The last of the laundry was cleaned and hung. I walked into the kitchen repining my hair.
"Ma, the boys laundry is done!" I yell up the dark staircase. I hear footsteps coming to the stairs.
"Then start making dinner," Pa says as he fits himself down the staircase. He turns his lanky body towards me and pushes me out the front door to the left of the staircase.

He closes the door and i dust off my cheap dress. "Always telling me what to do... Martha go make dinner, Martha do the laundry, Martha go to the square. Martha this, Martha that," I whisper angrily. I grab the basket by the door and mount the horse i had managed to buy.

I arrive in the square riding my horse Kiwi. I step off the horse cautiously-If i rip my dress its the end of me. People give me strange looks, yes i know its a woman riding a horse.

I walk into to Farmer Philip's shop.
"Hello Martha! Haven't seen you since yesterday," he laughs, "What do you need, Sweetheart?"
"Lettuce, tomatoes, wheat, and potatoes," i smile and he goes into the back. He comes out with what i asked for, "You are the best Philip," i pay and leave for the butchers shop.

I walk down the long cobblestone streets with Kiwi's lead in my left hand and the basket in my right. Its a far walk to the butches shop at the end of the street. The tall buildings loomed overhead. I never liked those buildings, with the windows across the top and all.

Half-way to the butchers shop someone fell into me. Landed right on my side and straight into Kiwi's flank. Kiwi reared up and almost trampled the poor man.
"HEY! Watch where you're going," i pull him up from under the horse. I hear laughing in the distance.
"Is this your old man's horse?" He pats Kiwi's saddle.
"No," i answer, "he's mine."
"A woman has a horse?" He crosses his arms. I furrow my brow.
"Yes, i do. Sir, i can ride a horse just as well as any other man in this town," i said angrily.
"Are you challenging me?" He raises an eyebrow.
"I guess i am," i puff out my chest a little.
"Tomorrow, noon, i dare you." He looks me right in the eyes.
"Noon it is," i say.
"The names Jack," he says and sticks out his rough hand, "cobbler."
"Martha," i shake his hand, "Silversmith," his hand is clammy and rough.
"Oh, silversmith too?"he laughs, "i doubt anyone mentored you."
"Just... A silversmith's daughter. Thats what i meant," i say defeated.
"Makes more sense," he smiles, "I wont bother you anymore. You should be on your way."
"Nice to meet you," i smile back, "see you tomorrow," I pick up the basket; surprisingly nothing fell out. I grab Kiwi's lead and walk the rest of the way, in silent.

I arrive at the butcher's shop. The bell rings when i open the door.
"Martha, sweetheart!" Ted yells, "come back for more beef? Or is it chicken today?" Ted is two years younger than me and already has an apprentice.
"More beef Ted," I laugh.
"Anything for you sweetheart," he disappears into the back and returns with some beef moments later.
"Thanks so much Ted," i graciously take the bag from his hands.
"Don't be too long or your parents will start to worry!" Ted yells as I leave the shop.

I secure the food into the basket with a rope stored in a pocket on the saddle. I secure the basket in front of me and ride home.

"There you are!" Ma yells as I heave the basket into the kitchen, "its almost five!"
"Ma, someone ran into me on the way to the butchers shop," I say with a hint of annoyance.
"Who was it," she asked.
"No, he literally ran into me," i put the basket on the counter and start to unpack the food.
"I said... Who was it?" She said through gritted teeth.
"A cobbler," i sighed, "his name is Jack,"
"Oh, just him," she said relieved.
"I need to go into square tomorrow," i say ready to lie.
"Whats in the square Martha?" She puts a had on her bony hip.
"Um," i cover my ears with my hair, "We will need water tomorrow... Were, um, almost out."
"Oh, are we?" She comes up to me and looks me in the eyes, "are you sure?"
I go to the cabinets and pull out the pitcher. Luckily for me we were almost out.
"fine, to the square tomorrow after breakfast," she says.
"No," i say, "I want to go at noon." I prepare for a smack on the cheek.
"Why noon?" She is obviously suspicious.
"Um, its- well- warmer by that time," i start to sweat.
"Fine, since you offered to get water you can go at noon," I sighed, relieved that i got away with it. My body relaxed and i resumed cleaning the vegetables.

Ma makes the food and i tend to Kiwi. I brush his mane.
"Kiwi, why do Ma and Pa pester me like this?" I rant, "I mean I'm the one who goes out on horseback to get things. I also fix things that Pa cant do," i huff out a small sound.
"Well its not like you can hear me... Probably," i finish brushing Kiwi and pull off his saddle.
"MARTHA!" a sharp squeaky voice comes from the left of me.
"Harry, I'm right here you don't have to yell," i give him disapproval stare.
"You don't hear me if i don't scream," he pouts.
"Well, you've practically made me deaf in my left ear," i smirk,"so as punishment... You have to polish my saddle."
"Polish your saddle!?" He screams," but... but..."
"Polish it 'till i can see my reflection," i smirk.
"Not fair!" He pouts.

He runs inside and tugs on Ma's dress.
"What do you want Harry?" She sighs and puts a hand on her hip.
"Martha is making me polish her saddle!" He cries.
"What did he do?" She asks me.
"He made my left ear bleed, Ma," I come out of the door frame and sits on the dining table.
"Thats very fair Harry. After dinner you will polish her saddle. And get off the table you aren't an animal," she goes back to chopping potatoes.
"I beg to differ" Harry says under his breath and stomps up the stairs.
"Harry you're going to punch a hole in the stairs! Im a silversmith, not a woodworker," A tall slender, handsome man comes down the stairs. I swoon as soon as i hear his deep soothing voice.
"Edward..." I smile and my cheeks turn red.
"Yes, Martha?" He says putting his hand in mine.
"...Hi..." I've been swept off my feet. Every time i see him.
"Hello to you to, darling" he places a kiss on my cheek and keeps walking into the back room. I sigh and put a hand on my cheek.
"Earth to Martha," Ma snaps in my face.
"Oh," I come back from my trance.
"You two have been married for a little over a week and he still makes you do.. that," she swallows and prepares the meat.
"I know, and he still gives me butterflies Ma," I sit down at the table.
"That is true love, my dear," she smiles at me.
"Goodnight Harry," i say and kiss his forehead, "Goodnight Jonas," i kiss his forehead. Jonas is a sweet quiet boy 10 years old. He does have an attitude when he gets mad.

I get up and blow the candle out.
"Wait," says Jonas,"can you tell us a story?" He asks sweetly.
"Of course i can," i respond graciously. I settle down on the boys bed and put my hands in my lap.
"Once there was a princess; a loyal princess indeed. She dressed in proper attire and did what she was told with much haste, but she could ride a horse and shoot an arrow just as well. People, The King, and The Queen called it disgraceful," i started.
"Why was it disgraceful?" Asked Harry.
"A princess, or any woman, doing such things isn't lady-like, so its frowned upon," replies Jonas.
"Exactly Jonas," i say, "anyways, the princess rode and did her archery in secret, but one day a gentleman found her riding in the woods behind his cottage. 'Ma'am who are you?' He said to the princess. 'Why, you don't know who i am?' said the princess. 'No ma'am i do not,' he says puzzled. 'I am the p...' started the princess, 'I am a simple peasant,' replied the princess. The man showed the princess how to jump hurdles and how to shoot while riding. They spent many afternoons together in the woods. The man and princes fell in love. But then The King found them talking in the forest and locked the princess in the castle. 'You shall never step foot out of this castle again!' The mean King yelled. So the princess never saw the man again," I finish up the story, "The end."
"What about the happily ever after?" Said Jonas.
"Well, life isn't fair. You don't always get your happy endings," I reply. I stand up and start to the door.
"That was a bad story Martha!" Harry yells through the closed door. I smile and head to my room.


I hope you guys liked the first chapter! I worked hard on it and coming up with the names was harder than you'd think. Feel free to correct me on any grammar mistakes throughout the book. "Trust me... Its gets good in chapter 5" ~(future Kat).

If you discover a typo or grammar mistake feel free to correct me.


❤️ Kat King

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