Chapter Seven

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Esja shifted slightly to fit more closely against him. Just a moment longer, she told herself. Please. Just a moment to try and express to him everything I thought I had a lifetime to say. Just a moment to impress the feel of him on my soul, another moment to memorize the feel of his body wrapped in mine. Just one more chance to listen to the steady sound of his heart and let his hand tangle my hair. Just a moment more to be free of this world and wrapped in his.  

It was the memory of his son's faces that brought her back to the world.  Their familiar features and bewildered looks.  Reminding her that her time had passed.

Esja unclasped her hands and let her palms slide from his back. She stepped back from him. He still held her braid and watched it slip from his fingers. Esja reached back to pull her hood up but stopped at his voice. 

"Leave it down?" he asked. "Please."  

She did.  

Softly clearing her throat, she said, "I have come to speak with you about the mountain."  

Thorin closed his eyes and shook his head a bit, "Esja."

"Thorin, we must talk about the mountain before you go any further."

At her words, Thorin turned away.  

"You must listen to me," she said. "I have lived in the shadow of this mountain all this time, and I tell you now, I know you will not find our former home unguarded." 

He turned back to her, "You've been here?" he said, "All this time?" 

"No, not here." she reassured him, "But on the western edge of the Iron Hills," she said. 

He nodded, his stance easing. 

"Smaug has not been seen in an age," he said. 

"And the birds return to Lonely Mountain," she said.  "You intend to fly in from the roof, as well? I know you have not forgotten the main gates are sealed." 

Reaching around his neck, he pulled a gold chain from under his clothes. Esja saw a fine dwarven key dangling from it.  

"I am no bird, nor do I intend to knock at the front door," he said. 

Esja eyed the heavy key, "You believe he overlooked this one?" 

Thorin nodded.  

"Do you think you will not wake him?" 

He would not meet her eye, "I think it is time for dwarves to return to Erebor."  

"And you think Smaug will walk out the way he came? He will bring the mountain down on you all before ever he cedes his horde. Surely you have not grown that dim!" 

Thorin's jaw tightened at her words, "It is time." 

"It.. it is time? I tell you that the wyrm only sleeps, that you go to raise death and destruction and you.. you say, "It is time"?" Esja shook her head in disbelief, setting her veil to flashing in the moonlight. She turned her gaze to the darkened ruin of Dale. 

"Why do you wear that?" 

Her fingers touched the upper edge of her veil, " That is not.. that does not matter.  Have you heard anything I've said?" she whispered. 

"You know I have."  

"You don't have to do this. Please, do not do this!"

Thorin looked up at the Lonely Mountain, "I am the only one who can do this." He turned back and stepped close to her again, "I will do it." he said. 

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