Chapter 3

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(🐾Brianter's PoV🐾)

I was almost finished writing the last fact about neon on the poster when the bell rang. I finished quickly and got up to put the supplies away. After I did that I headed to the door to leave class when Prussia grabbed my shoulder and started to steer me around to where Spain and France were.

"Why are you steering me?" I questioned the annoying Prussian.

"Did you forget zat zee awesome me vants revenge on you?" he questioned back.

"Maybe, but can it be later? I've got to find Italy and Japan," I requested.

"No, you can vait till after school," Prussia answered. He started to lift his fist up.

"Pleases don't hurt me! I'll do anything!" I cried waving a white flag.

"I von't hurt you, but in return I can tell zee three you like zat you like zem," Prussia replied.

"Actually, I like four people," I corrected. "Besides how do you know who I like?"

"It's called vhen you text Ray-Land and zhen leave your phone in your room vhile going to your club," Prussia answered. "Now you must tell zee awesome me zee other one."

"There's pasta bastard, pizza maker, tomato grower, and horrible cook," I stated using different nicknames.

"So Romano, Italy, Spain, and England. I von't tell England since he likes America. I von't tell Italy since he's into Vest. Neither vould go out vith you because of zhat so zhat leaves Spain and Romano," Prussia clarified.

"Whatever, as long as I'm not hurt you git," I stated.

"Okay, deal," Prussia stated and let go of my arm.

"I can also tell the person you like that you like them," I added.

"Vho do I like?" Prussia challenged.

"Canada," I stated.

Prussia's face paled. "How did you know?"

"I used logic. You see the only people you've had contact with today has been France, Spain, Canada, and me. The one you've been closest to is Canada," I explained and then bolted away looking for Ray-Land. I found her talking to Japan. Ray-Land's accent is a mixture of Russian, Chinese, and Japanese. She's located between those countries hence how she got her accent. Also for short I call her Ray.

"Ciao, guys," I greeted as I walked up to the two.

"Da, herro, aru," Ray greeted.

"Good morning, Brianter-san," Japan greeted as well.

"How are you guys doing?" I asked.

"I'm doing quite werr. Thank you for asking," Japan responded.

"I'm doing good as werr, aru," Ray said. "What about you, aru?"

"Quite well actually," I answered.

"Da, you know we arready heard about what happened between you and Prussia, aru," Ray said.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned even though I already knew.

"That you angered Prussia-san and now he's out to get you," Japan answered.

"Oh that. Ya, we came on an agreement on that," I stated.

"What was that, aru?" Ray inquired.

"That he wouldn't physically hurt me if he could tell two only available people I have a crush on that I like them," I replied.

"Da, why wourd you agree to that, aru?" Ray-Land inquired.

"Because I don't really care if the people I like know I like them and I benefit because I don't get physically hurt," I explained.

(🐤Gilbird's PoV🐤)

I vas sitting on my stand in Prussia's room vhen Prussia came in to take me vith him to lunch.

"Hello, Gilbird. How are you?" my awesome owner asked.

"Chrp," I replied vhich meant good.

"Zhat's good. I've been awesome," Prussia stated.

(🌟Prussia's PoV🌟)

"Vhy don't ve go to lunch?" I asked Gilbird. He chirped and flew over to my shoulder. Once he got situated there, I walked out and into the cafeteria. I grabbed my lunch and went over and sat by France and Spain.

I turned to Spain and replied, "Brianter likes you." Spain eyes widened and he nearly choked on his food. France just started to laugh at that.

"W. What makes you say that?" Spain asked.

"She told me. Don't vorry she also likes Romano," I stated.

"We all know you like Romano. I also know you like Brianter as well. So if Romano likes both of you it's a win win. Ohonhonhon," France informed. We continued eating, joking and goofing off, what we usually do until the principal walked in.

"Since you are all gathered here. I shall inform you that starting tomorrow the countries in co-ed dorms must have a roommate due to the new abundance of countries," the principal, Mr. Weasley, informed. I looked around to see how everyone else reacted, I was shocked by this news. I saw Brianter raise her hand.

"Yes, Ms. Brianter?" Mr. Weasley asked.

"Due I have to have a roommate since I'm the only girl?" she asked.

"Yes, Brianter, you must have a roommate even if he's a boy," Mr. Weasley sighed.

"Kesesese! To bad Brianter!" I called to her while laughing.

"Also the girl's dorms will also have to have another roommate so three girls per room," Mr. Weasley replied.

I ignored this and turned to France and Spain and asked, "Vho vants to be the awesome me's roommate?"

"Sorry amigo. We already decided to become roommates," Spain explained. My smile faltered for a second, but only a second.

"Zhat's all right. It shouldn't be zhat hard to find zee awesome me a roommate," I accepted. I thought back to Brianter's words on how I liked Canada and decided to ask him to be my roommate. I got up to dump my stuff while saying, " I'm gonna head back to my room." I dumped my food except for a piece of bread for Gilbird which I held up to where he could eat it and walked over towards Canada who sat near the exit.

"Hey Canada," I greeted.

"Hello Prussia," Canada greeted.

"I vas vondering if you vould like to become zee awesome me's roommate?" I asked.

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