Chapter 5

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(🐾Brianter's PoV🐾)

I continued eating my lunch while keeping a close eye on Denmark, Latvia, and Sealand. I watched them for a few minutes and by the time I saw Denmark stand up, I was halfway done with my chicken and dumplings without the chicken. I saw him walk over to Sealand and, assuming by the way Sealand acted in return, asked him to be his roommate. That meant my roommate would be innocent, small, and cowardly Latvia.

I finished my dumplings and then dumped my tray and bowl. I walked over to Latvia who was sitting by the other Baltic states. They turned towards me when they noticed someone was approaching them.

"Latvia," I addressed, "would you like to be my roommate?" Latvia just sat their timidly twiddling his thumbs. When he finally decided to speak it felt like it had been fie minutes.

"That would be nice," he replied timidly. Out of no where Russia came up behind me and put his hands on my shoulders, making me jump a bit.

"Hello, Brianter. You're going to be my roommate Latvia, Da?" Russia asked Latvia. Latvia turned his gaze to me asking if he could. I knew how he feared the Russian so I nodded my head in permission to make sure he didn't get in trouble because of me.

"Yes, Mr. Russia, I'll be you're roommate," Latvia answered him. He started to ring his hands a bit faster and his hands became sweatier.

"That's good. I'll see you later, Da?" Russia inquired.

"Y.ya sure." Latvia replied and with that Russia left. After he left it felt like everyone relaxed a bit. "S.sorry, Brianter."

"It's alright, Latvia," I stated. "I know how you fear Russia. I didn't want you to get in trouble for being my roommate."

Latvia nodded his head in submission and farewell. I nodded my head farewell and walked off to find the principal to figure out who can be my roommate.

(🍁Canada's PoV🍁)

I had returned to my dorm room with the meat I got for Kumajiro. I gave the meet to Kuma and then started to pack my stuff which consisted of mainly clothes and a few posters and other items that were given to me by my friends. I turned to Kuma when I was done packing seeing that he was done with the meat I gave him. I decided to tell him what's going on.

"Kuma, we're going to move in with Prussia. I hope you don't mind," I explained. Kuma nodded in understanding and started pack his own bag which consisted of his bed, which he never uses unless I'm having a bad night's sleep, and treats. I picked up both of our bags and took them to Prussia's room which was just down the hall. When I reached his room I set the bags in one hand down and knocked. After I finished knocking I picked the bags up again. A moment latter the Prussian I have come to grow a crush on opened the door.

Prussia saw I was carrying multiple bags and took some me while I just allowed him to. He gestured for me to follow him inside the room. Inside looked like a fan of rock lived there which I guess Prussia was. He sat my bags down and offered to take the others to set beside them. I allowed him to do so in which he smiled in return.

"So zhis is my awesome room," Prussia replied. I nodded my head in reply and then realized I hadn't introduced Kuma yet.

"I forgot to introduce you. Prussia this is Kumajiro. Kuma this is Prussia," I introduced, gesturing to them with my hands while doing so. Prussia just nodded his head in reply.

"I only have on bed so ve'll have to share if zhat's alright. If not I'll sleep on the floor," Prussia offered. I blushed a bit at the thought of sleeping in the same bed as the Prussian, but shook it off.

"No, it's not a problem. Actually I'm used to sharing a bed since Kuma sleeps at the foot of my old bed. I was wondering if he could still do that here actually," I replied.

"Zhat's no problem for zee awesome me," Prussia answered.

"It's almost time for class. We should get going," I replied.

"You're right. Ve don't vant to be late for class!" Prussia cried looking at the clock seeing we had five minutes to get to class. He grabbed my arm, dashing for our next class which we luckily had with each other.

(🐾Brianter's PoV🐾)

I arrived at the principal's office and knocked on the door.

"It's open!" I heard the principal call. I opened the door to reveal him sitting at his desk, doing something on the computer. He looked over and saw it was me.

"What do you need, Brianter?" Mr. Weasley asked.

"I was wondering who was left to have as my roommate?" I answered his question while asking my own.

"Why don't I give you a list of all who's in the dorm and you can do the rest," Mr. Weasley proposed. I nodded my head in agreement and he finished in his desk for a list in reply. When he found one he handed it to me and bid me fare well. I bid him fare well back and left. I skimmed over the list and saw that South Korea was the only person left. Great just what I needed. A loud roommate.

(So I decided since there was only one comment and it was my Best friend's to allow them to choose any character they wanted that wasn't already chosen. I also didn't really know how well I would do putting Latvia in the story and know I'll do better with South Korea.)

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