Chapter 6

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(🍁Canada's PoV🍁) (⏰Time Skip⏰)

All our classes were over and some how I never noticed before, but I had all my classes with Prussia. I was walking back to our dorm room when Prussia grabbed my arm and stopped me from continuing on.

"Vould you like to grab a bite to eat? I know zhis awesome place ve can go to," Prussia asked.

"That sounds like a great idea," I replied while nodding my head.

"Good! Zhen let zee awesome us go to zee awesome, not as awesome as us, restaurant!" Prussia declared. He grabbed my hand and started to run away dragging me with him. I started running to keep up with him also so my shoulder didn't get dislocated.

When we finally stopped running it appeared we were in front of a small town cafe. I read the sign and it said, 'The Bearcake Cafe, The Place to Eat All the Pancakes and Drink All the Beer You Want.'

I reread the sign multiple times making sure I read it right. Prussia took me to a pancake and beer cafe. I loved the pancake part, but wasn't to sure on the beer part.

"Prussia, aren't we to young to drink beer?" I asked the Prussian.

"You're eighteen, ja?" Prussia asked.

"Oui," I replied.

"Zhen you can drink here," Prussia stated and walked over to the door and held it open for me. I blushed a bit, but fought it back down and walked inside with Prussia following me. We walked over to a table and seated ourselves. It was one of those types of cafes where you seat yourself and then is waited on.

A young lady came up to us. She looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on where I knew her from.

"I'm Emily and I'll be your waitress for today. What can I get you guys?" Emily asked.

"I would like some Bud Light Beer and beer pancakes with butter," Prussia replied.

"Do you have anything besides alcohol, eh?" I asked.

"Sorry we don't. Unless you want to drink pancake batter or butter. Even our maple syrup has alcohol, but you can't taste it," Emily replied.

"Then I'll have pancakes with butter and maple syrup with maple syrup to drink," I ordered.

"If you like we have maple syrup beer. It isn't as sweet as actual maple syrup, but still has the same taste," Emily offered.

"I'll have that then," I agreed. She wrote both our orders down and took it to the chef.

"So, how do you like zhis place?" Prussia asked.

"It has a nice cozy feel to it," I stated. Emily brought us our drinks and left to attend other costumers. I took a sip of my beer and she was right, it did taste like maple syrup yet not as sweet.

"How's your beer?" Prussia questioned.

"Really good," I replied, taking another sip.

"I've never tried zheir maple syrup beer, but from vhat I've heard it's awesome," Prussia admitted.

"Really? Would you like to try some, eh?" I offered.

His eyes lit up and sparkled in the light. "You don't mind if zee awesome me has a drink?"

"Not at all," I answered. He took the beer gingerly out of my hands and took a sip. He then grinned and handed it back to me.

"Zhat's good. It can be addicting zhough so be careful," he warned.

"Don't worry, I will. I'm not that careless am I, eh?" I replied.

"I'm not sure. Zee awesome me has never seen you drink," Prussia stated.

I was about to reply when Emily brought us our orders. Prussia's was a neat pile of perfectly circled pancakes with a few slabs of butter on top. Mine was the same way, but had maple syrup drenched over and mine most likely didn't have beer in the batter. Prussia took a bite of his pancakes and smiled. I took a bite of mine and seen why he smiled. They were amazing almost as good as mine. We ate them in no time and now was just talking and drinking beer.

"Emily!" Prussia called over.

"Yes?" she asked.

"Can we get a refill on our drinks?" Prussia requested.

"No problem," Emily replied and took our glasses back and got us a refill. I was starting to get a bit tipsy and decided to stop after this glass.

"So Canada, is zheir anyone you like?" Prussia suddenly questioned.

I nearly spit my beer out, but swallowed it down. "W. why do you ask, eh? To answer your question though, I do like someone."

"I vas vondering for I like someone too and zhey are sitting right across from zee awesome me," Prussia replied.

I blushed and stated, "I like you as well."

"Really? Zhen vould you do me zee honor and become my boyfriend?" the Prussian questioned.

"I would love to," I agreed.

"Good because I vouldn't have taken no as an answer," Prussia replied and with that he leaned towards me and kissed me. I kissed back almost immediately after getting over the fact that my long time crush was kissing me. The kiss was sweet and tasted like beer and pancakes. Little did we know two girls and a boy were sitting over in a corner watching us.

(🐾Brianter's PoV🐾)

"Our ship has come true!" I cheered quietly, giving a high-five to Rayland who was also silently cheering. Japan who decided to tag along for some unknown reason just took out a camera out of no where and started to take pictures.

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Dear Reader,

Before you say anything about maple syrup being drank by itself. Real maple syrup isn't bad. by itself and can actually be quite addicting. Although I've only had a little bit of it before, it was really good. It is also expensive or more expensive than factory made. I wanted to make it up to you guys because the last chapter had a lot of my own character's point of view which no one cares about except me and sharklover39.



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