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Hey guys!!! So quick, tell me if Becky will get caught or not and well see who's right XD This chapter is dedicated to my friend BasicWhiteGirl240 because she's real and so is her book XD Oh and the account Harry says is his is my second account...so. Not actually Harry Styles...maybe. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy! ~B


Becky's POV

I have a fangirling urge to open the door and see what's inside. Maybe they are inside. Maybe not.

I quickly press my ear to the door, hoping nobody was in there. I don't hear anything and quickly look around before opening the door. I stick my head in to double check that nobody is inside. I see no one so I close and lock the door behind me. When I turn around I was in shock at what I had missed when I scanned the room. 

There was a huge bed against the wall opposite of the door. Above the bed was a collage of pictures from Louis and Harry's wedding (which sadly wasn't public). On one side of the room were pictures of the 5 different album covers. I feel a little tear prickle my eye as I see Made In The AM, the groups last album. There should have been more albums if you ask me, but they never came back from their break like they said. 

If they had, maybe I would still have my sister. 

I jump as (what I assumed was) the bathroom doorknob is rattling. I look around the room, hoping to find a quick hiding spot. I find nowhere to hide as Harry walks out of the bathroom fully clothed, fortunately (the awkward scale could've risen). He cocks an eyebrow at me as I stand in the middle of his bedroom, probably looking suspicious as hell. 

"What are you doing in here?" He asks. I blush as I look down, caught red handed. Dang it. 

"I was...looking for the bathroom?" I try, hoping he accepted the lie, but the look on his face said otherwise. I mentally bang my head against the wall.

"Yeah, because the bathroom has a sign with Harry heart Louis on the front of it." Harry slightly rolls his eyes as he makes his way towards me. "What's the real reason you came in here?" 

"I...fine. I was a fangirl, I loved you guys so much and I...shipped Larry. I was just kind of wondering if maybe everything we thought was true. I don't know..." I sigh, accepting defeat as Harry pushes his hair out of his face and smiles at me. 

"Well...ask me questions, I'll tell you what happened behind closed doors." He winks at me. I nearly fangirl at the mention, but sit. I sit next to him on the bed, too scared to actually touch him in fear of him disappearing. 

"When did you two get together?" I ask, he smiles, looking down at his hands. 

"X-factor, but we had a short break in 2013. We got back together in 2015 before the rumors about Louis being a dad surfaced." I feel my heart crack a bit. The rumor was a horrible lie formed by Modest! to bring attention away from Larry. 

"Do you read fanfiction?" I knew he had because he once admitted to it in an interview, but I always wanted to know if he was joking or not. If he wasn't...I am screwed, and scared. I've written some fanfiction in my time...not all appropriate. 

"I have a secret account on Wattpad I use. I've read a few adoption stories and honestly...that's what gave me the idea of adopting you two." Harry has a glint in his eye. 

"Which one?" 

"I read a few, but That One Day was always my favorite." 

"Who's that by?" I try to rack my brain for who wrote it. 

"BasicWhiteGirl240. She's great, a slow updated, but still." 

"Does she know it's you?" I try to think about how I would feel if I unknowingly talked to Harry Styles. What if I did? I would never know unless I ask. 

"What's your account name?" I just have to ask him, special measures you know 😌

"P0tat0g0ddess, I don't have a lot of followers." I rack my brain, once again, trying to remember ever encountering him. Probably not. 

"Oh...if everyone knew it was you than you would get quite a bit of followers." I joke, knowing it to be true. When Tyler Oakley got an account everyone lost their shit, like no kidding. Now times that by a billion and you might be coming close to how everyone might react to Harry Styles being on there. 

"Is it Larry, that book?" Harry shakes his head, "It wasn't, but it was still good." That would explain why I don't know it. 

Harry and I talk for a while longer about fanfiction when the door opens and a worried Alice sticks her head in the door, panting. 

"Do you kn--Becky?" Alice says. "What happened to getting your things? I've been worried sick trying to find you!" 

I blush, "Sorry." 

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