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You know

Im just me

Not you

Or anyone else

Don't judge me

Unless you know me

Seen me

Or hung out with me

I may be boring

Super crazy

Extremely Weird

All of the above

Doesn't mean i cant be fun


I may be cool


Once you actually know me

Im alright to hang with

Or as my best friend says

You're cooler than some of the other girls, they're annoying.

Don't judge anyone by the way the look

You don't know they're life

They may be happy on the outside

But on the inside they're hurt

So don't judge a book by its cover

Read the book

Then you can judge

Weather you like it or not.


This isn't just for me, this is to the outcasts, to all my friends, to anyone has ever been judged before they got to know you. Don't listen to anyone if the judge you. Tell them to fuck off, because they have no right to judge you. Have a good day everyone.

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