The Final Battle-Chap. 19

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Tess' (P.O.V.) I suddenly woke up, gasping and didn't hear the last part of what my father said. "Dang it! What was it he said?" I whispered. Whoa I sounded different. My voice sounded like silk or like... Yeah, silk! It sounded soothing. I got up and wiped the foam off my leather skin. I stopped and realised Jeff's skin was the same. So we're the same now? I ran to the nearest mirror and looked at myself. My mouth dropped to the floor. I was actually taller with longer hair. But it was a light brown instead of a black. My skin was paler and my eyes were a striking black. I was in a white, bohemian type dress with long sleeves and it was all lace. I was in 60's type pumps that were black and had a buckle on it. I liked this outfit and for the time time ever in my life, I felt confident. Wait... who changed my outfit? Strange. I was in my pajamas before this. I shrugged and listened intently. I could heard insects and animals humming outside. I could also hear cars driving out on the highway with rap, country, or the alternative music on. I smelled the air... It wasn't pleasant. It was dry and disgusting. Like an old person's house. I didn't smell like this when I first came here. I could remember my birth from 27 years ago like it was yesterday. And remember every sharp moment as a baby. Wow I did that? Geesh, I've must've been an embarrassing baby. But all in all... I'm just so happy to be alive. And that hag was right, my senses are so much clearer. I stopped and listened to the woods outside the window... It was familiar footsteps. Must be the group! And Jeff..! Emma! Where did Jane go with Emma? I have to stay here and wait for them. I rushed back and forth in the lab room, confused on what to do. So I just listened closely to the group's conversations. Yay! Chloe and Liu were there too. They were all laughing and talking about how they killed Jane's group. Are they really happy? I'm panicking! And how much did I miss while I was dying and came back and beyond from the grave? I grinned slightly but I still wanted to know where Emma was with Jane. "Hello?" I heard a female voice ask in my mind. Whoa! Where did that come from? "Hello? Is this Tess?" The voice asked. "Oh my gosh, yes this is she!" It sounded like Alice and I can't believe I can do telepathy! "I really can't believe that you guys can talk to each other through minds." I squealed in my mind. "No just me and Slender." She replied dryly. "Oh." I muttered in my mind again. "Are you guys almost here?" The door opened and they were here, standing there like heroes. Jeff rushed to me and hugged me so tight that I actually couldn't breathe. He gasping and sobbing when I wrapped my arms around him, feeling his hair and muscled back. "I miss you." I managed to get out. Jeff cried into my neck. I cried with him and loved him so much. Chloe and Liu ran and hugged us both. We all laughed and I felt two small bodies behind me, hugging my legs. I tried to look around and saw Ben with Sally in the corner of my eye. I laughed quietly and the whole group hugged us now. "Ehh I guess so." Hoodie chortled and ran into the group hug. "There's still a crazy chick with my child. I think this is enough hugging." I mumbled between the sweaty bodies around me. "Oh!" Most of them say. They all run down the stairs when Jeff stays by my side, holding my hand. "I can't believe you're really immortal. You're not longer human. How does it feel?" He asks me with a silly smile on his face. "Liberating. It feels great to know that I'll never age and be with you forever. I know that kind of sounds crazy but I really do care about you Jeff. You know that. And I will do anything for you." I whispered. "And I the same." I suddenly heard a muffled clink sound in the corner and claws scratch against the floor. Jeff and I turned around with urgency and heard whimpering from the closet. "Smile." Jeff's grin grew serious and stared at the closet. Suddenly the next thing that I knew was, that I was pulled by the hand by Jeff as he slammed the door open. "Oh my gosh." I uttered in a shaky breath. Smile was stuffed into a tight cage and blood coming from his ear. "Help me get him out!" Jeff shouts with urgency. I couldn't really do much because Jeff got most of the control by ripping the cage open and gently picked up Smile. That is one HUGE DOG. "Um, need any help Jeff?" "No lets just go! He's injured!" He shouted in a panic and I could feel the mixture of snow and dirt beneath my feet as we ran out. Jeff looked at everyone ahead us with franticness written all over his face. "We don't have much time, Tess. Let's go faster! We need to save Emma and get help for Smile!" Jeff calls in a panic and we caught up with the group who all stop and gawk at Smile. "What happened to Smile?" Kales shrieks. "Who knows happened to him? Jane could've done anything to him while she kept him captive. But we need to go!" We ran as fast we could and I suddenly had an idea in my mind. "Jeff stop! When Jane comes in, how about we send Chloe and Liu with Smile to save Emma." Jeff pondered for a few seconds and stared at the couple. "Okay. You guys okay with that?" Jeff breathed heavily. They both nod in agreement. "Whatever it takes to save Emma." Chloe utters. "Okay, let's go." Jeff ordered the group as he runs along with me. Slender suddenly comes out of nowhere and joins us. He wasn't moving fast but he was moving along with us. I don't know... I don't know how to explain it. He was moving slow but he was going as fast as us. His long arms dragged against the leaves and I could see a slight smile actually on his face. I smiled at him and I actually felt comforted when I was around him. He is still scary but I'm used to him now. "Wait! Stop!" Alice calls. "What is it?" Jeff asks worriedly. Alice looks to ground and looks focused. "I'm thinking." She whispers to herself. "To your left! She's running that way!" Alice shouts after a moment. Chloe and Liu sped up with us with challenging laughter. "Let's kill this chick!" Hoodie laughs along with Liu. "Right!" Alice shouts and we turned to the right very quickly. "Stop! She's here guys." Alice tells everyone telepathically. "Don't make a sudden movement. Be ready and get into your positions." Slender whispers into our minds. Jeff stands straight and hides me behind his back. I was confused as to why he did that. I could easily beat this chick now that I'm immortal and I feel so much stronger. But I just obeyed. This was clearly not the time to argue. We waited for what seemed like an eternity to wait for Jane and Slenderwoman. The wind suddenly picked up and the grey clouds came into view. It stopped snowing and I felt uneasy. Like the atmosphere was unbelievably negative and I felt a large weight on me. I couldn't really breathe very well at this moment and I looked around to see if any of them were experiencing the same. I looked at Hoodie who was breathing hard and sweat pouring out of him. Chloe and Liu looked fearful. Sally, Locks, Kale and Alice were holding their hands up to their neck and sweating like pigs. Masky and Jack were leaning against the trees and had short breaths. Slender and Jeff looked at each other strangely. "I can't breathe." Jeff mumbled. "I can't really either." I managed speak... I felt so suffocated. How come Slender wasn't affected? I tried to stay calm and cleared my surroundings. "Okay. Calm down Tess. You can do this." I told myself. "Chloe and Liu! Got with Alice to find Emma. Now! Take Smile!" Jeff demanded them in a loud voice. Liu ran past Jeff and grabbed the dog with his muscular arms, throwing Smile gently over his shoulder. I watched them all leave in a rush with fearful eyes. I listened and heard light steps crunching on the leaves. I looked up and saw them. I jumped a little but tried to show my bravery. Goosebumps grew all over my skin and chills went up to my spine. Jane didn't have Emma and Slenderwoman... Was just... Staring at me. Which I know is impossible but I know I can feel her glare at me. Her shaggy black hair fell to the ground and her claws could rip your heart and eyes out. She had 3 squid-like arms coming out of her back like Slender. She was your worst nightmare ever. Jane leaned against the tree with a vile look on her face. She grinned cruelly at all of us and stopped to look at me with disgust on her face. "Thought you were dead." She spat at me. Jeff covered me protectively. "Aw. Someone's protecting their little girlfriend? Imagine what they'll say if they knew you were dating a human, Jeff? The council would've murdered you. It says for humans are not to mate with us. But I'm glad you did. You both had the product of Emma and look at her magical powers. It's brilliant. But also, Tess' immortal. She's all special now, isn't it?" She laughed loudly. "Hush child." Slenderwoman growls at Jane. Suddenly, more of Jane's group flooded in. Coming in like ghosts of black. I came out and faced Jane while everyone else fought each other. There was so many. Jane and Jeff glared at each other with folded arms. Slenderwoman and Slender fought to the death and I could hear bones crunching, with blood splat on every surface I saw. I watched Slender and Slenderwoman fight and it seemed like they were connected together and it looked like like they were fighting in wind form. But there was no screaming. I looked around myself and watched them... They did it in silence. No matter how painful it was... It was so silent that you could hear a pin drop. Jane focused on me now and screeched, running full speed at me. She pushed me down and tried to bust my head open on the ground. This doesn't feel very painful actually. I pushed the temples of her forehead together. I learned that from Ben. She screamed while her face was pinched together. Jeff grabbed her and threw her to the tree, leaving her to hit her back. Jeff helped me up with a smile. "Thanks love." I whispered. Than she came at both of us. She growled with her sharp teeth showing and grabbed Jeff's neck, her claws digging into his flesh. "No!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I plunged at her and took ahold of her head, trying to twist it around. A husky man who was much bigger than Jeff got ahold him, crushing his bones in his chest. Jeff winced and flipped the big man over his head. Her high pitched scream started to hurt my ears and all I could hear now was ringing. I stopped and took a step back. I felt like my ears were going to burst. She forcefully threw me against a tree and pounded my head against the bark about a million times. She took my torso and threw it down to the ground. She punched and punched and punched until I saw spots of black. What I could see was, Jeff came behind her and ripped her arm off. Everything went silent and everyone was still fighting for their life. Jeff pulled off the other arm and her blood was splat onto my face. Gross. He took a ahold of her head and ripped it away. Leaving the corpse with no head and arms, falling to the ground. Dead. Jeff grabbed the lighter and lit her and the other several bodies on fire. Everyone from the group was alive still and I saw a glimpse of Slender and his enemy teleport. We were all the ground with sore bodies and panting hard. Sally was hunched over in a corner and I ran to her with a limping leg, seeing black spots still. "Sally?" I called in a hoarse voice and had no response. "Sally what's wrong?" I whispered when she turned to me with her head bleeding badly. "Sally!" I hushed worriedly. "I think it's busted open." She mumbled. "Oh my god! Jeff!" I screamed and everyone was surrounded by Sally. They all looked safe to me with a little bit of bruises and scars. "You guys okay?" I asked just in case. They nodded with their attention to Sally. Jeff rushed to her side and examined her head carefully. "It's busted open." He grimaced and took off his hoodie, using it as a pillow for Sally's head. "Ow. It hurts so bad." She whimpered with tears streaming down her bloody face. "I know, love. Everything will be alright." He kisses her forehead and turns to me. "I'll call Liu." Jeff mutters and I nodded once. Jeff hushes to the phone in a hurry. "Oh thank God. Come quick." Jeff whispers. "They found Emma in Jane's room in a crib." Jeff swallowed a big gulp in his throat and tears fell down his cheek. "My precious child." I sighed with relief. My world would've fell apart if I knew she wasn't alive. It was about a quick five minutes later when Liu came. Is that a thing with doctors to come unbelievably fast in emergencies? It's crazy. Liu checks out Sally when I heard a familiar voice whisper behind me. I was sitting on the ground criss-cross and I looked behind me. I saw Chloe with her hair everywhere and a messy shirt on holding Emma tightly. "EMMA!" I screamed happily. I grabbed her from Chloe who was smiling big and I hugged Emma tight. I sobbed onto her blanket. "I've missed you so much. Thank you Chloe. I love you." I pulled Chloe in for an embrace. "Oh, don't mention it. I love you so much." She muttered into my ear and hugged me tighter. Jeff leaned his forehead onto mine when Chloe and I let go from the warm hug. "I'm tired." Jeff laughs quietly and strokes Emma's hair. "My lovely child." He whispers with tears welling up in his eyes. His forehead was still up against mine. Blood was all tattered all over our clothes and body. My hands were soaked with blood and my face as well. It was over... "Wait. Wher-" Suddenly Slender walks in and laughs quietly, leaning against a tall tree with his long arms folded. "Shes officially dead." He pronounces. Everyone shouts with victory and their arms in the air. Blood was on his shirt but he was clean everywhere else. "How does he stay clean like that during vulgar fights? It's impossible." I asked with disbelief. "He's swift. Liu took Sally to the hospital and they're working on her. The way he examined her head, he's pretty positive that she'll live." Both Jeff and I sighed with relief and stared with affection at our only daughter. "Good. I love her Jeff. I don't want her to die." I muttered and looked around, everyone was sitting together with voices trilling and laughter among the air. "Like I said, Tess, she'll live. I promise but I really do love her though. She's the closet thing I have to my mother." Jeff eyebrows furrow as he stares at the ground. I stroked the scar on his forehead with my free hand. "No more crazy people in our lives anymore, right?" I giggled. "I don't know if I can promise you on that." Jeff winks at me with a chuckle. I kissed him and the pain was over... Jane was over. I looked down at Emma when I heard my fathers voice come into my mind. "Tess, always remember that love is forever and that it is only innocence that Jeff is. He is your Innocent Killer of Love. Good bye my Tessy, we love you so much." Both of my parents whispered away and I cried with happiness. Jeff gave me a concerned look and I reassured him, "Nothing Jeff. Just promise me that you'll always love me forever, ok?" I sniffed and the sun was coming up, flashing upon our face. "Ok." Jeff promised and held my free left hand. "I love you Tess..."

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