Chapter 6

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I woke up to the sun shining in my face I quickly closed my eyes and sat up. I rubbed my face and got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth then turned the shower on. I waited until it was warm then I got out of my clothes and got in. The water stung my tattoo but then after a while it didn't hurt as much. I washed my hair and my body. After my shower I got out and dried myself off with towel.

I got to my room and changed into a pink pleat front cami and white skinny jeans with my pink converses. I dried my hair and then straightened it then put on some eyeliner. I went to the kitchen to see the guys got some donuts. I licked my lips hungrily at them and ran to get a plain glazed eating it with much happiness. I poured myself a glass of milk and took a sip of it. "So what are we doing today" I asked taking a bite of my donut. "We'll we have sound check then the concert and you'll be coming to both of them so you better be ready by then" Liam said. I nodded I finished my donut and milk and went to my room and got my bag. I took out my ear buds out and unhooked my charger from the wall and put all that in my purse. I walked back out and sat on the couch turning on the tv.

'Thirty minutes later enter spongebob voice'. "Ready" Liam asked. I nodded and got and turned the tv off. I grabbed my bag and phone and left with them.

We arrived at this stadium and walked ini sat on a chair next to the stage and just waited for them to start. "I need a green, red, yellow, blue, and purple lights for the guys" this guy said. "Hey who are you and what are you doing in here. This is privet and I am going to ask you to leave" the same guy said. "No I'm not doing that" I said. He looked beyond angry at me. If looks could kill I would be a vegetable. "I said leave or I will force you out" he said walking closer. "Oh I'm so scared" I said looking at him with that 'I don't care' look. Then he took my forearm and started to drag me out. "ZAYN, NIALL, LOUIS, HARRY, LIAM, SOMEONE I AM BEING PULLED AWAY BY SQUIDWARD" I yelled trying to get out of his grip but he just tightened his hand around my arm. "I'm Liam's sister let go" I said to him trying to pull his hand off. "Oh like I haven't heard that one before" be said pushing me out the door of the stadium. "Stay out and leave you crazy psychotic fan" he said to me before shutting the door in my face. "Bastard" I said kicking the door. I got my phone out and dialled Liam's number I waited for him to pick up


"Hey Liam can you get me squidward threw me out because he thought I was a fan I am at the exit door outside the stadium"

"Yeah but if your not there and playing a trick I will get you later"

"Ok bye"


I hung up and waited for Liam to get me. Finally the door opened "thank goodness you came I thought you weren't going to come" I said following him through the the door and inside the stadium. I walked around until I found my way back to the stage. I found my seat and sat there. Oh look here comes squidward again. He was talking to someone then he turned his head and looked at me with confusion and annoyance. He came walking forwards me fuming. "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO GET OUT" He yelled. I wanted to flinch at how loud his voice was but decided not to it would only make me seem weak. Now it was my turn to yell at him because he would just not understand of who I was. "OKAY GET THIS THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL. I. AM. LIAM. PAYNES. SISTER." I yelled at him. He looked taken back but shook that away now he was beyond pissed at me any minute now he would lash out at me but decided not to but instead he threw me over his shoulders and carried me "let go of me. Put me down this instant" I said to him while hitting his back. He finally put me down and we were in front of a door. He opened it and pushed me in quit roughly I might add. "This girl says that she is your sister because she was just sitting on a chair so I put her outside because she wasn't cooperating then she came back in. I think you have one crazy messed up fan" he said to Liam. Liam looked angry at the guy. "YOU PUT HER OUTSIDE"! Liam yelled. I walked over to Zayn and sat next to him on the arm of the couch. "Yes sure but I don't know why you are yelling at me when you should be yelling at her for sneaking in" he said calmly. "THAT CRAZY MESSED UP FAN IS MY SISTER, LILY PAYNE" He yelled at squidward. The guy looked beyond scared and ashamed. If there is one thing you need to know is that know one ever calls me crazy, messed up, or anything else and they absolutely never push me around like that. "I'm am sorry I didn't mean it" he said. "Don't say it to me you didn't push me out or anything like that say it to her" he said pointing to me. The guy turned to me "I'm sorry I pushed you out and yelled at you and called you names" he said to me. "Yeah okay whatever" I said waving my hand for him to go. When he left I turned to my brother. "Are you okay Li-li he didn't hurt you or anything" I shook my head no.

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