Chapter 13.

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                                                           Alice's P.O.V

After running into those Ravenclaw twits, I hurry my way to the Slytherin's dungeon.

Luckily, there were few people in there.

"Good to see that you're doing better, Alice." One girl, some fourth year, says to me, trying to suck up. I don't say a word back, so her and her two friends scurry out of the room.

The others that were lounging in here, leave with almost just as much haste, leaving me alone.

I can only sit down for a moment before I'm back on my feet, pacing. I run my fingers through my hair, a habit I have when I'm stressed. I pull out the ruby wedding ring and turn it around in  my palm.

"I love Draco." I state, for reassurance. I love Draco. I repeat it in my head. Maybe, if I say it enough, it might actually come true.

"No, I do love him." I fight with myself.

He's my perfect fit; my other half. We share views, we enjoy the same things. We have power.

"Everything was fine, until he came along," I spit out, clenching my fist around the ring. I can't even bring myself to say Ron's name out-loud.

If our kiss never happened, where would I be now? Probably with Draco, chasing after Potter, doing what we're supposed to do. We might have even completed our mission by now.

Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I lean against the mantle above the fireplace. I try and picture Draco and I in the future, getting married and having children. But, it doesn't take long for that blond head of hair to turn red and Ron's face smiles at me, holding a baby girl, with red hair as well.

"No!"  I snap and pound my fist against the stone wall.

                                                     Tabitha's P.O.V

I saw many students fleeing the dungeon as I return from Hogsmeade. My anger at Draco changes into confusion of what's going on in the dungeon.

I open the door, but stop myself before I enter completely. It's Alice, I should've known...

I peek through the cracked door, as she paces and says,

"I love Draco." My anger rises in my chest and I grip the door frame tighter. "No, I do love him." She says, as if she's arguing with someone.

I can't help but to grin. She's finally fallen off the deep end. First, the freaky coma, and now this. It won't be long until she's clawing her own skin off.

I watch as she fights with herself and has a breakdown.

"No!" She screams and punches the wall.

I cover my mouth to hide my gasp. This is more frightening, than amusing to watch. I was hoping that seeing Alice so broken would bring me some happiness. But, instead, I feel fear settling in my chest.

Suddenly, a hand grasps my shoulder harshly, and I release a small shriek of terror. Alice whips around, surprise written all over her face.

"My office, now, Ms. Carter," Snape's familiar harsh voice says, sternly behind me.

I watch as Alice eyes me up with anger. My pulse quickens as I imagine the damage she could do to me.

Snape releases my shoulder as I make my way to his office. Why would he care f I was eaves-dropping on Alice? Oh, yeah, because she is Snape's favorite student. She could get away with murder with him.

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