Chapter 26. The End?

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AN: Important memo at the end of the chapter! PLEASE read and comment! :)

I scream as someone covers my face and swings me around. I feel something being tied tightly around my wrist. I still can't see a thing. I can only feel pain when I try to struggle against the object tied around my wrist.

"Hey, get off of her!" I hear Ron's distinctive voice screaming. He continues to shout, but then he gets cut off. I let out a little whimper as bad scenarios play in my head.

A rough hand clamps over my mouth and I bite it, tasting blood instantly. The person shouts out in pain, but let's go of me.

"Harry!" Hermione screeches, sounding frantic. My pulse starts to race even more. I feel uneasy, just from hearing her voice. It's like I was put in the middle of a horror movie, with a blind-fold on.

Frustration boils in every muscle of my body, as my seeing is still disabled. I can smell blood all around me. I feel around me, and the only thing I can touch is the damp tree behind me.

A bunch of people start screaming, from all over. I cry out, anger reaching the peak. Why can't I see anything? 

Then, suddenly, my vision is returned.

I let out a scream, feeling sick to my stomach. All around, I see Death Eaters racing towards a large couch; a port-key I take it as. I see Ron, Aaron, Hermione and Harry tied up against a tree. Harry is completely unconscious, being held up by Ron. Hermione weeps into Aaron's shoulder. I let out a scream, trying to go after the Death Eaters before they can escape, but I can't move.

Lagging behind the other Death Eaters, Draco stares at me. His features are stained with concern. He slows down to not even a walking pace. Tears just continue to threaten to spill over my face. He turns to walk towards me, but I shake my head 'no'.

I'm not going to let him ruin his life, to be put in the same situation as me. He has the chance of living a safe life. Voldemort won't touch him. He has the protection of the Death Eaters, and his parents. Both of which I do not have.

He balls his hands into fists, but he turns towards the portkey again. He looks over his shoulder one last time, before disappearing into the group of Death Eaters. I wipe away a tear with my free hand.

I look down to see my wrist bound by a glowing chain, obviously a hex. 

"Such a waste of talent," A voice hisses in my ear.

I jump and whip my head up to see Voldemort floating above me. I shrink down, cringing away from him. I can feel his icy cold breath on my face. It causes my heart to quicken to a dangerously high pace.

"You'll get what you deserve, but, don't think this is over." He tells me, pressing his finger to my left forearm. The tattoo on my arm turns bright red and scalds my skin. I scream and wriggle beneath his touch.

Images flash behind my closed eyelids. I see the dead bodies; the Raveclaw girl, Tabitha, and faces of others. I see Emmerich, fighting to protect Annie after I ran off with Aaron. I see two people, whom I don't recognize.

I watch as the man and woman die. The life leaves their eyes quickly. Voldemort was standing behind them, being protected by them. He looks down at their dead bodies in anger, but races away. I get to see the two faces up close. Their blank eyes stare at me. Green eyes; just like mine; just like Aaron's. I see the resemblance immediately. My mother has my same full lips. She also shares Aaron's complexion, and bone structure. I see I have my father's eyes, wide and beautiful. They are beautiful people; well, they were...

I open my eyes and watch Voldemort leaving with haste. I look down at my tattoo. The snake slithers, as if it's alive. I gasp, and can barely take my eyes from it. It's like I'm under hypnosis. It slithers around on my skin, looking ready to strike. It burns my forearm slightly, but it almost has a satisfying feeling to it. Like, it's bringing me under with it.

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