Chapter 20. Gryffindors.

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                                                                           Harry's P.O.V

My feet can't move quickly enough to keep up with my mind. I've figured it out! It isn't a combination, those numbers are the ingredients. And, I need to mix those things together to make a potion. Then, it will unlock Voldemort's heart and I can destroy him for once and for all.

But, before any of that, I need to find Ron and Hermione. I surely can't do this alone, as much as I don't want to bring them down with me if I were to fail.

"Harry!" Someone calls my name and even though I don't have the time, I stop and turn around, "Have you seen McGonagall?" Aaron Rhowen asks me.

"No, sorry." I shake my head. He frowns and starts to walk away, "Hey, have you seen Ron or Hermione?" I ask.

I see something change in his expression. He nervously bites his lips. Oh, great... What's going on with all of them? I suppose I wouldn't have noticed. Nothing but Voldemort has been on my mind lately.

"Err..." He stutters over his words.

"Please, it's really important." I practically beg.

If I have to, I'll go without Ron and Hermione. It would be the thing a good friend would do... But, they'd kill me if I survived.

Aaron groans and turns to face me, frustration tugging at all his features.

"Hermione's looking for Dumbledore; Ron's in the infirmary." He says, bitterly. Relief and worry come crashing over me. What else isgoing on? Is Ron hurt? Why is Hermione looking for Dumbledore?

"Thanks, Aaron." I quickly turn to go to the infirmary first.

"Potter," Aaron calls after me and I look over my shoulder, "This better be important, because we're kind of in the middle of something." He warns me.

I nod and hurry off.

This is more important than he knows...

                                                                                   Ron's P.O.V

Don't turn back. Keep walking. Do not turn around. Go on. Left. Right. Left.

She doesn't want you anymore. She just wanted some excitement, but you're not enough for her anymore. You're an idiot for letting yourself fall in love with a girl like her. Did you really think a girl with that much power; with that much beauty; would settle for you?

I scold myself for being such a twit. I aggressively run my fingers through my hair, yanking on it. The girl is driving me mad! Is that her goal? To turn my brain into soup and sprinkle it with my insides?

I can still taste her on my lips. That kiss made my head spin, and I know she felt the same way. I was practically holding her upright. I can still imagine her dainty fingers running through my hair.

Involuntarily, I turn around to go back. I need to just kiss her, I need to make her change her mind. I can be so much better than Malfoy. Sure, I don't have the money, or the power that he holds, but I can love her more than Draco's even capable of feeling.

"Ron!" A voice shouts, sounding like Harry's.

I stop in my tracks. I really am going insane. Even my subconscious is trying to stop me.

I let out a shout of aggrivation and punch the wall as hard as I can. My hand instantly start throbbing in pain, and I lean against the wall with my forehead, tears of anger threatening to break to the surface.

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