Chapter 19.

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   AN: Thanks to keiyari for the banner!! :)

                                                               Draco's P.O.V

I lay Alice on the cot, delicately. Her quick, shallow breaths make me uneasy. So, I try my best not to wake her up.

"Alright, so what do you have to tell me?" I ask, quietly sitting at Alice's feet.

Emmerich is practically jogging in place. He can't stand still. I feel impatience prickling beneath my skin, but I just cross my arms and wait.

"Okay, we've got to go," He says, grabbing my arm and pulling me up. I rip my arm from his grip.

"What do you have to tell me?" I raise my voice.

Sometimes Emmerich can be so irritating. Instead of wasting my time, he could just get to the point. Sometimes for a smart kid, he can be dumb.

"Potter's figured out the combination." He says, quietly.

My heart nearly pounds out of my chest. We've just been sitting here?! Potter could be halfway there already!

Frantically, I rush towards the door, but then I remember my unconscious partner lying there still.

"Wake Alice up, and bring her to her things. I've got to go, I'll meet you in the dungeons." I shove him towards Alice and take off sprinting for Snape's office.

I race through the halls, nearly hearing a clock ticking in my mind. My pulse keeps up a dangerous speed.

"Mr. Malfoy!" I hear a teacher shout out in the distance, but it only makes me run faster. I've got to get to Snape, so he can warn the other Death Eaters.

I burst through his doors and find him pacing around his office. He turns quickly with his wand pointed to my chest.

"Knock before entering my office." He growls through his teeth at me.

"Harry's figured it out." I ignore his foul mood. I see panic fill his eyes as well.

"Where's Alice?" He demands.

Where's Alice? How about where's Potter? Why isn't he worried about finding Potter first? Alice is always his first priority and it makes no sense. The first person he should be worried about protecting is the Dark Lord... Not some 17 year old girl.

He grabs his broomstick and takes off out his door, and I follow closely behind him.

"Unconscious, at the moment. But, I left Emmerich with her." I explain, struggling to keep up with his pace.

But, then he suddenly stop and turns to me.

"Unconscious?" He panics. I got to explain further, but he cuts me off, "Never mind. There's no time. You get her and you both follow Potter." He pokes a finger to my chest and gives me a shove towards the dungeon.

                                                          Alice's P.O.V

Something cold splashes my face and I sit up, spluttering, fighting to catch my breath.

"Alice, we've got to go!" A familiar voice frantically shakes my arm.

Confused, I look around and see Emmerich standing by my bedside. I rub my eyes, still feeling a little foggy.

The last thing I remember is... Seeing that red head of hair walking out the door. My stomach wretches all over again. Why did doing the right thing have to hurt so bad?

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