Chapter 17.

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   AN: Thanks to kewlkitty for the banner!! :)

                                                              Annie's P.O.V

Marleigh and I sprint through the halls, in search of Bill Middleton, the smart Hufflepuff in our Herbology class. He's always in the library, whenever I'm keeping an eye on Potter.

We burst through the doors and people hiss at us to be quiet, immeadiately. My eyes scan over the room, searching for his strawberry-blond head of hair.

"Hey, Marleigh. Can I help you with something?" Neville Longbottom approaches Marleigh with adoring eyes.

Marleigh is study buddies with Longbottom. They both struggle with Transfiguration, so they struggle together. It's so obvious that Neville fancies her, but she's blind to it all. She's only got eyes for Draco.

"We're looking for Zach Middleton," I speak before she can even open her mouth. He pries his eyes away from Marleigh and looks to me, taking awhile to process what I said.

"Oh... Zach wasn't feeling well. He went to bed early." He frowns.

I groan and run my fingers through my hair. I look to Marleigh, stressed out. She looks like the gears in her mind are working.

"Hey, Neville. You're good at Herbology and Potions!" She speaks up, before Neville turns to leave.

"I'm decent..." He shrugs, his cheeks reddening slightly.

She turns to me and nods excitedly. I bite my lip, nervously. Do we really want to involve one of Potter's followers? Although, I doubt Neville would even think of telling some potion heh helped us with, to Potter.

I hand him the list of what we've gotten so far. The words and numbers and stuff. This is pretty pointless to begin with. It's not going to make any sense.

"We think it's some sort of potion or mixture." Marleigh says, reading it over his shoulder.

I see a crinkle form between his brows as he keeps rereading it.

"This is homework?" He asks, looking up at us. Marleigh and I meet eyes and slowly nod. Sure... It could be homework. "Then, this can't be right... Because if you mix any of this, it..." He shakes his head and hands it back to me.

I see a hint of worry in his eyes. I refrain from jumping for joy. It is a mixture! Marleigh, you're a genius!

"It would create, what?" Marleigh asks, leaning closer to him. Oh, Marleigh, you are such a tease, without even trying!

"It... It would... uh..." Neville stammers and takes a step away from her.

"Please, Neville. I need this!" She begs, desperation in her eyes. Emmerich will be so happy if we actually do this.

"Well, all these things, were used before, It was used to protect very, very valuable things. And, it just so happened to be that it's used to unlock very, very important things." He says, dropping his voice.

I memorize every word he says, to report it back to one of the impatient Slytherins.

"Hey, Neville. Professor Snape said someonen was looking for me, do you know who?" A very distinct voice says, coming up behind me.

I quickly turn around to see Harry Potter approaching. He's got bags under his eyes, like he hasn't slept in days. This competition with Draco has really got him wound-up.

"I have no idea, sorry." Neville shakes his head, looking sicker than before. Harry's shoulders fall and he frowns,

"Huh..." He mutters and looks around, "Well, what're you up to?" He asks, barely noticing us. He thinks he's so much better than us... Well, he's not. And, soon, Draco and Alice are going to be rubbing this mixture in his face.

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