Part 8

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Fate is a cruel thing. It has a way of tearing our lives down, while it builds anothers up. It will always be unfair, and cruel. It had been espeicailly cruel to Eric and his Friends during the past 24 hours, and it was only going to get worse.

Eric stood on the corner of Black and Potter street, at a small cafe waiting for Gary, Charlie, and Robert. As true to his supiscions Charlie and Robert had recieved a letter. They had not read them yet, as Eric had asked them to wait until they were all a toghether.

Gary was first to arrive.

"Hi Eric, sleep last night." he asked.

"Yes, but no well."

"Are the others here yet?"

"No your the first."

"I brought it." said Gary holding up the letter.

Eric took the evolope from him, removed the letter from it, and looked it over. He turned it over, and saw figures on the back.

"What are these?" asked Eric pointing to the symbols.

"I don't know i never looked on the back."

Eric sighed, puzzled and handed the letter back to Gary.

Charlie walked up at that moment, and looked around.

"No Robert yet huh?"


"Wait here he comes now." said Gary pointing.

Robert walked up and looked at the three.

"What are we standing around for, Emma is in trouble, let's get to saving."

They all looked at each other, was this really Robert. Usually he was methodical, looking at everything from every angle, trying to figure out the best way.

"We all have out letters, right?" asked Eric.

"Yes." they all said in unison, holding them up.

"Good, lets go inside, get somthing to drink, and not rush into somthing dangerous...withour getting our bearings."

They walked inside and sat at a table in the corner. A waitress came by, and asked if they wanted anything. They all order Mountain Dew.

"Ok to start out with," said Eric, "I am not going to pretend that i know what i'm doing, and im just as blinded by hate and worry as all of you, but if we are going to save her, we need to think clearly. Now the letters if you please."

They all handed their letters to Eric. He took them and opened them up. He read them and laid them side by side.

"He's speaking in riddles." said Eric.

"It seemed straight forward to me." said Gary.

"Charlie's and Robert's are riddles."

"What about the symbols on the back?" asked Gary

Eric turned them over and rearranged the symbols several times until he gave up and turned to the others.

"I don't know. What i do know, is that the riddles are probaby clues to the symbols. The first riddle is this: Credit is given where credit is due, come around again, and you'll get it too."

"Maybe move the symbols around again." said Charlie.

"Maybe, the second is this: I'm in the middle, but on the bottom, but on the side, but at the same time, i'm three miles from any given point."

"Well that could refence Emma, and where she is hidden." said Robert.

"I think so too." came from Gary.

"Three miles from any point, what is three miles from any point.?" asked Charlie.

"Wait! I know where she is."

"What about the symbols?" asked Robert.

"I don't know but i do know he is about to pay."

Eric threw a 20 on the table for the drinks picked up the letters and ran out on the street to hail a cab.

"Where is she?" yelled Gary.

"The old abandoned house on Derdun road." yelled back Eric.

He told the cabbie where to go, and soon they were in front of the house.

"It is time to kill or be killed." said Eric handing out pocket knifes to his friends.

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