Part 4

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Emma closed her cell phone and fell back on her bed, was it true, could Eric have gotten false information, maybe it was a prank of some sort. Emma sighed and wished she knew, she also wished that she hadn't been told. Seeds of doubt began to enter her mind

Was it their fault Brad was taking such extreme measures? Could somthing have prevented this?

"O stop thinking like that," she said to herself, "After his confrontation with Eric he was blinded by hate, and it was HIM who stopped talking to us. Not us to him."

She sighed and tried to forget what she had just heard. After all it wasn't just her who was marked, Eric, Robert, Charlie, all of them had been threated, and what did Lewis mean, defend ourselves. Karate, no, way to childish. She began to get frustrated, and decided to go out for a walk, maybe that would clear her head.

She decended the stairs and went out into her yard. She began to walk around her block. Half way around she realized that the clear air was helping her to think better. She smiled a contented smile, and walked with a spring in her step as she was happier than when she set out.

All of a sudden a hand grabbed her from behind and hauled her into the bushes. She tried to scream but the hand over her mouth muffled her cries for help. She began to panic and cry out of fear.

When her and her captor were inside the bushes a ways he turned her around and smacked her.

"How dare you cross me like that!"

"What are you talking about." she said between sobs.

"You and your little friends, how did you figure out my plan?"

"Brad?" she sniffled.

"Of course."

"How did you know about that conversation?"

"I put a bug in you cell phone, and have been stalking you."

"WHAT!" this made Emma break down crying again.

"As you can imagine my parents have asked alot of questions."

"So what, you killed them right."

"Godd heavens no, they've just been asking alot of questions. Now here's what i need you to do. On Monday you need to tell your friends that eveything is all right and that i do NOT intended to kill any of you. They will believe you."

"This seems like a bit much over a girl."

"A girl are you serious, no blame this on Eric, he sealed your fate long ago. Now hush hush, just do what i say and everything will be ok."

Brad shoved Emma back onto the street, where she lay, sprawled on the pavement. She began to get up, when she heard Brad again,

"Remember, i'm watching."

He melted back into the darkness laughing.

Emma got up and started running toward her house, when she stopped and began to run the other way. She was NOT going to lay down and roll over for Brad. She had one last resort, she needed to get to her friend Jennifer's house, from there she would call Eric and tell him what had happened.

Brad looked on from the bushes and sighed, why did they never listen to him, it would prevent him and them a load of pain, he sprang from the bushes and started chasing after her.

Emma heard the pounding of footsteps behind her and looked to see Brad chasing her. It only made her grit her teeth and run faster. She had to get to Jennifer's house, then she would be safe. Safe from Brad, safe from the world.

The fact that Emma was running faster from him only excited him and got him more involved in the chase, he would hate it if she just went home and called Eric. Puh Eric, who was he to get what Brad couldn't. A girl Emma had said, no this was no longer about his fight with Eric, this was about jealousy.

Three years ago Eric had gotten a girlfriend, one that he knew Brad had been chasing, the ensuing argument was the biggest they had ever had. Although Brad had said it wasn't over a girl, Eric knew that it was, he knew that Brad hated him for asking the girl out. Brad frequently lied about it to make Eric look like the bad guy.

Emma knew that Brad was fast gaining on her, but she only had 4 more houses to go, she was now gasping for breath, and she felt her muscles begin to cramp. She looked behind her, and regretted it as soon as she did. Brad was only an arms length behind her.

A grin crept on Brad's lips as he reached for Emma's hood. He missed the first time, and again on the second time, but he got it on the third time. He grabbed it and yanked Emma to the ground. She landed on the pavment with an audible Thud. He pulled out a knife a stood over her.

"Now, you didn't follow orders, that is going to cost you."

He bent over her and pressed the knife against her forearm. He was about to cut it when she brought her leg up between his legs. A pained expression came over his face, and Emma got up to run away, but not before Brad stabbed the knife into her arm. She Screamed in pain and resumed her run to Jennifer's house.

"This isn't over Emma, it's only beginning, for that you will be the second last to die, you will watch them die."

Emma ran toward her friend's house and tried to block out the horrible cackle that came to her ears.

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