Jeff The Killer

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U where walking home from school...

U were the last one who left the school Cause u still needed to research for your project about a Famous Killer named Jeff as said in the news papers...

U growled as the paper fell down the ground...

U kneeled down and picked it up...

U then felt someone watching u...

U looked back,no one was there...

U took the short cut which is the forest near your house...

It was already dark...

U started walking but stop when u heard a crunch noise...

U saw someone wearing a hoodie..

U walked back and tripped...

A picture of jeff then landed on the ground...

U looked at the picture then at the hooded boy or girl...

Your eyes widen when he/she lift his/her face...

U saw the familiar Unblinking eye,creepy carved smile,and skin white like as a Paper...

I-it was the Famous Killer...

U started running and left your things behind...

Even your Project!

U then took a quick glance at your back but saw nothing...

U looked back at front and bumped...

U landed on your butt....

U growled...

U looked up and saw Jeff...

Your eyes widen again and crawled away from him...

He walks closer to you...

"G-go Away!"U yelled..

U felt crying...

U don't want to die...

U widen your eyes as he pulled out a knife...

"GO TO SLEEP" he said as he smile evily...

U took a piece of branch that u saw behind u...

U threw it to him...

But he dodge it..

He chuckles...

"This one is...,Crazy Hot..." he said as he smirk...

"Excuse me?"u asked and stood up...

U dust your pants...

U looked at him...

"U heard me..."he said...

"Yeah right..."u said and walked away from him...

Don't look back!!!

"Hey!,I said GO TO SLEEP!" he yelled and pinned u to a tree...

"I-"u were cut off when his bloody lips met your lips...

U tried to push him but he was to strong...

U then melted to the kiss and kiss him back...

U felt him smirk...

He then backed away,for u and him to breath...

"I'm jeff...,yours?"he asked..

"y/n.."u said...

"See u next time babe..."he said and walked away from u...

U smiled and walked back to get your papers...

U then came home...

So yeah I know it Suck!

It's my first time to make a one shot anyway...

LOL So yeah u can Vote and Comment...

Do anything u want...


Who would do that?!

So yeah next will be...

Comment down who u want to be next!

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