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Boy Child reader:

U sat at the swings,as u tried to swing yourself...

U gasp as u felt someone pushed your back...

U jump off and whimpered as blood drips...

U look at the girl who pushed u and glared at her...

She chuckles and kneels down to see your knee...

"Sorry " she said and looked away...

"I-its ok"u said and smiled...

She looks at u and smiles...

"I'm Y/N"u said and shakes hands with her...

"I'm Sally " she said and shakes your hand as u nod at her...

She helps u to get up as both of u sat at the swings...

Both of u played the whole day,laughing...

"Y/N!,we need to go!"Your mother called out...

U frowns and looks at her...

"Sorry,I need to go"u said...

She smiles...

"Its ok!,just promise me u'll come back to play with me " she said with a smile,and raises her pinky...

"Pinky swear?"

U nodded..

"Pinky swear"u said...

Your eyes widen when her soft lips met yours...

She backs away quickly...

As u blush....

"B-bye!" She yelled and ran off the woods...

Sorry it's short!😖✌

So yah it's just a quick kiss,she's still a kid!

So yah...

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