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U were baking some CheeseCake at your Family Bakery...

U then place the uncooked cake in the oven...

"Y/N I'll be going to the grocery to buy the other Ingredients!"your S/N (siblingname) said..

U growled and rolled your eyes.

U walked to the cashier and took the costumers order...

Ure Sibling then came back...

=After the Work hours=

It was already midnight...

U were going to close the shop but someone stoped u and pushed the door..

U gasped in shock and saw a Masked guy...

"Excuse me?"u asked..

He didn't talk but instead he gave u a paper..

A word written in a Black Crayon..


U took the paper and looked at him...

"U want to order a Cheesecake?"u asked as u look at him confused...

He then nodded...

"U can just have ask...,than pushing our door..."U said...

He didn't talk or move...

U then started baking a cheesecake for him...

As u put the cheesecake in the cashier he gave u the money...

" its's already midnight..."u said as u gave him the money...

He took the money and started walking out with the cheesecake...

U closed the light and closed the door...

U then started walking home....

As u were walking u saw the familiar masked man staring at u...

U stared at him...

He then started walking closer to u..

"Uhm..."u said...

He stopped at front of u...

U looked at him blushing...

"Thanks..."he said almost a whisper....

"Huh?"u asked...

"I-i said t-thanks..."hee said as he look down...

"Awe...,your welcome...,your so cute..."u said...

"Why do u even have a Mask?"u asked

U started reaching for his mask...

He holds your hand...

U gasp at his fast movement...

He then pinned u to a tree...

"You want to see it?"he asked...

U nodded...

He lifts off his mask and kissed u quickly...

U're eyes widen,U were blushing...

U then kissed him back...

He smiled and backed away...

He put his mask back...

"Your a human..."he said...

"Ofc I am...,also u!,duh.."U said...

"I'm not a..."as he will tell me the last part he dissapered...

"Uh...."U said and started running...

LOL that was a NOT Romantic 3nding....

So yeah vote comment and Share

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