Ben Drowned

699 13 5

U bought the new Nintendo game.."Legend of Zelda"

As u opened it u saw a file name "Ben"

U can't make a another file so u deleted it...

=2 hours of playing=

"Dammit!"u yelled as you lose..

U then replayed the game..,in bad luck,The electricity then went off..

U growled...

U stood up and tried searching for your flashlight...

U heard static came from your Nintendo game,it was open...

A message then plopped to the screen...

"You shouldn't have done that"

U looked at the screen in curiosity...

Your eyes widen as u saw a hand goes out the Screen...

U backed away....

U started to run,but the hand hold your foot...

U pulled your foot from the hands grip...

It was to strong..

U hold the thing close to u as the hand pulls u...

U kicked the hand using u're other foot...

As u did that...

The hand goes back and the static then dissappear...

U sigh...

The lights were now back on...

U smiled but don't want to play bec. Of wht happen...

U wash and change your clothes...

U turned the light off and opened your bedside lamp...

U then close your eye...

=1 hour=

U heard the static again...

U fluttered your eyes open...

U then saw the same hand again...

U screamed...

U then saw a figure of a elf...

A face then comes out...

It was a man with a long ears who would be a elf?

It's eyes were red dots and a blood was in his eyes...

U gasped and run out...

As u will twist the knob...

The Elf pinned u Down...

U looked at him in shock...

He was quite attractive...

He then looked at u head to toe...

U looked at him confused....

He then smirk and kissed u...

Your eyes widen as u then blush...

U tried to push him off...

But he will growl,u were to scared...

After a min. U then melted to the kiss and kiss him back...

U felt his Lips form to a smirk...

He then backed away...

U can't breath bec. Of the kiss...

U inhale and exhale to calm your breathing..

"U know...,U wouldn't get kiss if u didn't delete my file..."he said as he smiles at u...

He was Ben?

He had the link costume in the game...

"So yeah...,im Ben as said in the file..,and u are?"he asked..

"I'm y/n"u said...

He then smiled...

"Kiss u next time!!!"he said as he wave at u and walked back at the screen...

U smiled at the thought he will kiss u again...

It was your first kiss anyway...

Yehey!!!I updated!!!

I made this Today!!! 1/13/16

New Record!!!

Yeah it totally Suck...

But Anyway I updated!!!

I'm not used to making one shots!!!

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