Eyeless Jack (Ej)

558 15 2

U were taking a bath...

U were the only one in your New house..

U sigh,u missed your family so much...

U walked out of the bathroom with a towel on u...

U then started dressing when the lights turned off...

U screamed in shock...

U were scared of the dark...

U were still in a towel....

U hurriedly ran downstairs and took out a knife and flashlight....

U were shaking...

U gulped as u were walking at the dark hallway leading to the basement of your house to fix the electricity...

U screamed as u heard a weird sound...

U ran as fast as u can...

U were breathing heavily...

U hid at the covers when u saw a shadow...

U gasp in shock when someone pulled your foot...

"HELP!!"u screamed for help...

U squirmed as someone pinned u...

U were squirming...

Your eyes widen when u saw the blue masked man with black liquid in his eyes raised a scalpel...

U tried yelling,he was covering your mouth...

U felt your towel slip off u...

"Get off!!"u yelled...

U kicked him in his crotch and put your towel on...

He growled and kneel down...

U then started running...

U entered your kitchen took out a knife...

U hid under...

U covered your mouth as u heard steps...

U closed your eyes...


U opened your eyes and gasp in shock...

U screamed,it was the blue mask guy...

Your scream was cut off when his cold lips kiss u...

U were shocked to move...

He backed away...

His mask was half - off...

His Mouth was the only thing u can see...

He was frowning...

U kissed him back...

U felt smirk formed his lips...

U backed away and smiled at him...


I had Updated!!!

It's been a long time!

Anyway...,we had no i-net!

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