Laughing Jack (LJ)

575 12 1

U were having a slumber party with your friends in your house...

"Let's play truth or dare!!!"  Your friend said as she giggles...

All of u nodded...

It was now around midnight...

"Next will be...,Y/N!" Everyone giggles...

U growled in jokingly way...

"Truth or Dare?" Your friend asked..

"Hmmm...,Dare!"u said..

They all looked at each other and smiled...

"We dare u...,to...,go to the haunted carnival!"they all said in unison...

"W-wht?!"u asked as u're eyes widen...

"U heard us..."They all said in unison again...

U growled..

"K...,a dare is a dare..."u said regretting picking dare...

All of u change and walked to the haunted carnival...

U were feeling uncomfortable when u walked in the gate of the carnival...

U felt eyes staring at your soul...

"Guys...,I'm scared!!"u yelled still walking strait...

U had no response..

U sigh and rub yourself as the temperature gets colder...

U then saw the big tent...

U breath in and out...

U walk in...

It was dark inside...

U walked until u saw a music box...

U then started to open it...

Music then started to fill the tent...

The lights turn on....

Laughter filled the tent...

U started feeling uneasy...

U gasp in shock when a Tall Black and white clown goes out of the music box...

Ure eyes widen...

He was smiling evily...

"Another prey..."he said and took out a sharp and clean knife...

U screamed and ran outside the tent...

F*cking bad idea!

U were then pulled into a strong arms..

U gasp and tried to get the hell out of the clowns grip...

"Shh..."he said and kissed your neck...

He then bit it..

It's sharp teeth..

U whimpered in pain...

"Mm...,U taste better than candy.."he said...

He then let him face u...

He hold you waste and kissed u...

"Your different..."he said and let go...

He smiles and laugh...

"See u next time!"he said...

Loooooooool I did this in school!!!

And I know it Suck!!!



thank u!!!

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