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Requested by: Kyleej101

"Hey Kylee!,want to hang out later after school?"Y/F/N ask as she looks at u....

"Where?"u asks and placed your book at the table...

"u know...,the new carnival..,at the back of our school.."she said with a smirk...

"That was the old hunted carnival"u said and rolled your eyes..

"It was..,before they fixed it Kylee...,i heard there was a hotie performing tonight!"she cheered...

U chuckled and rolled your eyes...

"Pls...,come with me!,just tonight!!!,pls?"she asked with a pout...

"Damn!,fine,ok..,ill come with u"u said and sigh...

~Skip the Class~(XD)

"Kylee!!!,come on!,lets goo!!!"Y/F/N said and pulled u out the door...

"Wait!,ill just call my parents to tell them im going with u"u said and started dialing...

She rolled her eyes and tapped her foot at the ground...


As both of u entered the entrance of the carnival,Y/F/N pulled u in force going to the tent...

"Y/F/N i can walk,stop pulling me,u'll rip my arm apart"u said and glared at her...

She stopped pulling u and almost faint...

"H-he...,he's so HOT!!!!"she yelled and hugged u....

U looked at the Man in Black and White...

He smiles,as u blush and looked away....

"Free candies!,its part of the show!,its sweet"He said with a smirk as he gave everyone a plastic of black and white candy...

The lights went off as everyone clapped,u sat at the chairs with Y/F/N..

The lights opened only pointing at a music Box...

It plays as music filled the tent...

Everyone cheered,ofc Y/F/N squels...

"Pls.,eat your candies...,to see the surprise.."A voice said in the speaker...

Everyone started opening their candies...

U looked at the peice of candy in your hand and keep it...
(Kylee!!,sorry,but yeah,u hate candies(just in the story)sorry again✌)

U hated candy...

U saw Y/F/N skin's becoming pale...

"I-i feel...,funny"Y/F/N said and faints...

"Y/F/N?!,a-are u ok?!"u asked trying to wake her up...

The man u saw earlier went out the box with a smile...

Everyone around u is unconcious...

"Oh...,U didn't eat yours?"he asked...

U sat in silence your eyes widens as he comes closer to u...

"Your a bad girl..."he said and smirk...( Imagine him in Offenders voice,Sh*t so Hot!)

U ran as fast as u can going to the exit of the tent...

U gasp as it closes...

"My..,my...,Why are u leaving? ,the show isn't over..."

"W-why are u doing this?!"u asked...

He appears in front of u,and smiles...

"Its just the part of my job" he said and comes closer,closing the gap that is left...

U can feel his breath in your face...

"...Do u know wht girls I like?"

U just stared at him in silence...

He smiles and lean closer...

"Bad Girls...,Like u"he said and wink as his lips met yours...

U tried to protest but can't...

He backs away...

"Ill be going,before they wakes up,see u!,next time" he said and kissed u again...

Pls! Kylee don't kill me!!!

I'm bad at this 😂

So yah!,TY for the request!

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