what makes you beautiful?

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Ok, this is quite an unusual update in my Girl Journal for all of you. But here it is (I'm so so excited about this :D)


I want you to answer this question in the comments today:

What do you think makes you beautiful?

Wow, you're probably thinking. But I am serious. I want you to answer in the comments below, one thing that makes you beautiful. Do you like your hair? Are you good at a sport? Do you do well in school? Are you a talented musician, artist? Do you write well? Are you a good friend? A responsible and loving daughter? Whatever it is that you like about yourself, that you love about yourself, let me know in the comments below. Please, please answer; I know it may be really difficult to do, since its not every day you answer this sort of thing. But its for a self-esteem thing for girls I am putting together, and within a few days, I will have a second part to this in my journal and you may then know why I asked you this.

So, what makes you special? What do you think makes you beautiful? Please answer in the comments, I hope to get as many answers to this as I can! Us girls don't usually go around saying what we're great at, or what we like about ourselves. That's exactly why I am asking though. Thanks so so much for your participation girlies! Love you all lots! <3



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