Chapter 2

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Hallie's POV

I quickly ran to go find my locker. 236A, 236A, I kept repeating to myself looking closely at each of the numbers. "Ah-ha," I whispered when I finally found it. After shoving all of my supplies in it, I looked at my schedule. Yay, earth science was my first class. I hated science, it was my least favorite class. I went to go find Hanna at her locker, but she had already left.

It was a good thing that Hanna and I left early because as soon as I finally found the class, the bell rang. I took a sat in the way back, and opened up my book.

"Flip to page 67 class," Mr. Steveson, the teacher instructed.

I flipped to the page, and started taking notes. I was so bored, but I needed to pass this class. 

"This is extremely boring, isn't it?" I heard a voice behind me.

I turned around to see a guy staring at me with a huge grin on his face. He had brown hair that ended right above his eyebrows with dark brown eyes. 

"You got that right," I smiled back at him.

"My name is Devin, by the way," he stuttered.

"Hallie," I replied. "Nice to meet you."

"You too." 

I turned back around to the front of the classroom, and pretended I was listening. I didn't give a shit about whatever the teacher was talking about.

After my next three stupid classes, it was finally time for lunch. The day was halfway over, and I honestly couldn't be happier. Except for the fact that I couldn't stop thinking about him. The guy I saw in the lunchroom. He was full of tattoos, and piercings. Not trying to judge or anything, but that was definitely not my type of guy. So why couldn't I get him off my mind?

I found Hanna, and my other friends at lunch. We caught each other up on our summers, and ate all  of our food. 

I looked around the lunchroom, but still didn't see him. Not that I really cared, but I really wanted to know where he was. I haven't seen him since this morning when our eyes met. Stop thinking about him Hallie, I kept telling myself. 

"Would Hallie Crisom please report to the principal's office?" I heard announced over the intercom. What the fuck? What could I have possibly have done on the first day of school? I attended all my classes so far! 

"Guess I have to go guys," I sighed and said good-bye to all my friends.

I threw away my food, and headed towards the office. Just about as I going to enter, I saw him. He wasn't with his two other friends, it was just him. I gulped and walked past him to the principal's office.

"Hello Mr. Spainer, you wanted to see me." I took a seat right across from him.

"Ah, yes Hallie, don't worry you aren't in trouble," he took some papers out of his drawer, and started organizing them on his desk.

Oh thank god, I really didn't have any time to be in trouble.

"I was wondering if you would have wanted to help a new boy in school," he started off. "You really didn't have the best grades last year, and if you do this, it will really help you this year, and maybe next year in college."

I thought about it. Helping somebody tour around the school, and get more credits? I was in.

"Of course!" 

"Good, I thought you would be," Mr. Spanier grabbed the sheets and put them in front of me. "Just sign these, and if the student is satisfied you'll get the credit."

I took a pen and signed them very quick, not even caring to read of the print.

"So who is the student I'm helping?" I asked while giving him the sheets and standing up out of my seat.

As soon as I asked that question, I regretted it. I saw the door open and there he was leaning on the door frame. His arms were crossed and there was a grin on his face. I could see him checking me out, and I pulled at my shirt.

"Ms. Crisom, meet Niall Horan." Mr. Spanier said.

I did a small smile at Niall. "Hey."

"I will let you two to get to know each other." Mr. Spanier rushed his words as he walked out of the room.

"Hey there beautiful," Niall finally replied to me.

Well crap, this is going to be one interesting year.


A/N: Sorry it's so short! The next few chapter will be, but I promise they will get better & longer!

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