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Some days seem brighter than others
And you think the sun is finally revealing itself to you
But the idea of happiness without him sickens you
And you feel his name resting on your tongue
But the taste is bitter now

And you want to listen to them and move on
But you can't
Because their feet are steady on the ground
But you belong in the clouds
And your days of weightlessness have been deflated

So you fall to your knees
Because falling is all you ever knew with him
And his name claws at your throat
But you hold it in
Even though the pungent air stings your face
And the winds belt out his last words to you
You still wish that you could forget

But it's so damn hard
And no one understands
Because the symphony that once was his voice is now just a cymbal ringing in your ears

And every second you spend reminiscing his touch ensues another wave of nausea
And all of this wretched air escapes your lungs and drowns you once again
So you swim against the currents and fight to the top
And just when you reach the surface to inhale
You realize you already took your final breath the last time that he said your name  

Hiraeth: A Collection of PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now