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One block to the right of the hospital....black Jeep....here! I pull into Drew's driveway and get out. I go to knock on the door but a girl about preschool aged with the same sandy hair and silvery gray eyes that Drew has answers. I assume her to be Brette. "You must be Rain! Drew talks about you all the time! And you are really pretty! Just like he said!"

"And you must be Brette. And thank you by the way."

She goes on, "And you know what else he says? He says that you-"

"You are about to get in trouble if you keep talking, missy." Drew messes up her hair, coming up behind her.

She swats his hands away, "I was just going to say that you said that she-"

"Is here." Drew gives Brette a dirty look. He reaches out and takes my hand, pulling me in the house and closes the door behind me, "I'm not leaving you alone with her now."

"She's fine." I laugh.

Drew wears a fitted blue Hollister shirt and jeans and looks freaking hot in them, "Here. Come meet my parents and Ari."

He leads me into the dining room. A man sits reading the newspaper at the table. He has the same sandy hair as Drew and Brette and has a crease between his eyebrows. His eyes are blue and he looks to be in his mid forties, "Hello," he says, setting his paper down, "You must be Rain. I'm Matt, Drew's dad." He extends his hand and I shake it.

"Nice to meet you."

"You too. Mandy! Come here! Rain's here!" Matt shouts into the kitchen, "We were both dying to meet you. Drew won't stop talking about you."

Drew shoots his dad a dirty look just as his mom walks in, "Hello, I'm Mandy. You're Rain?" I nod, "Oh, Drew has told us so much about you."

"Oh my god! Is everyone going to say that?" Drew says, his face turning red.

"Sorry, sweetheart. Why don't you show her around? Dinner should be done in about fifteen minutes." Mandy says waving us off.

Drew gives me a quick tour of the house, meeting Arianna and her friend Kasey, (who makes googly eyes at Drew the whole time), and we end up in his room.

It's like a normal, seventeen year old, football player's room. Against the wall I face, his dresser sits with small trophies, team photos, and picture frames. Football gear is scattered haphazardly around the room. A full size bed with a blue comforter sits pushed against the wall to my left. A closet is at the far side of the wall to my right and a TV sits on top of another dresser close to me. The room isn't the neatest or the cleanest, but it's small and cute and smells like Drew so I like it.

"I like it." I say, plopping down backwards onto his bed, "And your bed. It's squishy."

Drew shuts the door behind him and walks over, "I like you in it." He sits down on the floor next to the foot of the bed.

"Haha, nice try there." I say, rolling onto my stomach and then pivoting so my head is near him instead of my feet.

"What? Oh you think-Rain, I'm not with you just to get in your pants. I don't know why everyone thinks that I do that with everyone...but I don't." Drew says getting a serious look on his face for a moment. The look passes and he looks to me and smiles.

I smile back, "Good to know."

He gets up and sits next to me on the bed. I lay on my stomach while he sits cross legged next to me, "You have pretty hair." Drew picks up a piece and braids it faster than I would have thought he could. He dangles it in front of my face so I can see the perfect, little, blonde braid he made.

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