Chapter 8

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Danielle's POV

It's been an hour since I've talked to him through the phone. I've been wondering where he'd might be. Maybe he had a problem with his car or had a fight with Niall or Louis like they always do. Gosh I hope neither of those happened.

5 minutes.

10 minutes.

I heard a loud knock onto my door , causing me to jump out of my seat , running towards the door to open . Wanting to see who was there on the other side. I swung the door in a hurry until I laid my eyes on a handsome boy. He had a green beanie placed perfectly on his head with perfect curls. He wore a green jacket with some tight black jeans and boots. He's so beautiful.

"Hey babe. Are you ready to head out ? I'll drive."

"Yes , I'm ready. Let's go. Just let me tell my mother where we're heading. I'll be right back." I say.

He gives me a quick nod, heading straight into his car.

"Hey mom ! I'm going out to the fair with a friend! I'll be back at 8 p.m.! "

"Okay! Be safe honey ! "

I quickly ran out and slammed the door to find the car he's been waiting in just for me. I opened the car door and let out a small 'okay' as a sign to head out. He quickly nodded and we soon left.


Danielle's POV

"So tell me more about yourself Danielle . You fascinate me." Harry asks, leaving the most adorable smirk.

"Well I'm 5'0 , my middle name is Jessica, I love to eat , I'm socially awkward , and I love to take pictures of everything." I say .

"Wow , that's actually pretty interesting babe. I like that." He laughs.

"How about you Harry ? I've never really got to focus on you!" I ask.

"Well I'm 5'11 , I have one sibling, I also enjoy taking pictures of beautiful sightings, and I like girls like you." He says.

That sentence made me blush . "I like girls like you." Well Harry I like you too.

I let out a small giggle , letting him know that I just acted like a total girl when he said that.

Minutes passed and we finally arrived. Damn, it was packed as hell. And cold too. Maybe he'd give he his jacket after noticing that I'm freezing cold.

We headed our way out of the car and into the entrance of the fair.

"Are you cold? Let me give you my jacket." Harry notices.

I knew it. I knew he was going to do that. Man, I already know him so well! He slowly took off his jacket and left it on top of my shoulders. Then gave me a small kiss on the cheek as a sign of comfort. I totally blushed after he did that.

"Alright babe, let me go and get the tickets. Wait for me right over there by the entrance stand. I'll be back." he tells me.

"Sure." I say.

It's been minutes since he had told me to wait for him and I didn't know what to do. I was quite bored; just amused when looking at other people in curiosity. Just until I felt someone touch my shoulder. And it wasn't Harry.

"Hey sweetheart, you are one fucking hot chick. I've been watching you for a while now and you looked like you need some company. Wow you look fuego even closer.You need to be mine. How does that sound bitch?"

What the hell. He just called me a bitch. And I could smell the stench of alcohol every time he spoke. Instead of letting me speak, he grabbed me from the arm so harshly , I started to hit him using my arms, hoping that I would cause him to let me go.

Harry's POV

After I payed the tickets, I turn to find a man gripping on to my lovely lady while she's trying to wiggle herself out there. What the hell. I run my way to where I told her to stand and I instantly pushed him off of her.

"What the hell dude ! You're fucking letting go of my whore , you dumb bitch!" the bitch angrily says.

"Well you better fuck off because she's my girl and you wouldn't want to fuck with me. "

"Wanna fight about it? She'll eventually be mine after I beat the crap of a wimp anyways."

And with that I didn't even bother to hesitate. I punched him in the jaw then the gut. Causing him to fall onto the ground and didn't bother to stand up.

"You fucking stay down there and don't fucking get up. You get near my girl again, you'll be fucking dead." I spit out.

I really cared for her, and like I said: I'll make her safe. I grabbed her hand and gave our tickets I to the booth.

"What was that Harry? I've never seen you do that? Is this what you do most of your time? " she asks.

"Look, I'm sorry. He grabbed you and wouldn't let you go, I had to protect my babe! And none of that matters. Let's have some fun now." I say.

"Okay." And with that she finally agreed.


Danielle's POV

"Stop that Harry ! You're supposed to let me win dumbo !" I let out with a small laughter.

"Fine! Fine! It's cute when you get mad. You look like a child since you're short." He says laughing.

"Shut up! You're so mean!"

We both started laughing. The way he tilted his head back was so adorable. Maybe the 'bad guy' wasn't so bad after all.

"Hey babe, I won something for you!" Harry yells out. That caused people to turn to look at him.

"Omg, what is it?" I yell back, walking towards Harry.

"It's a teddy bear for my baby bear."

For MY baby bear. He's so cute, now I really want to head to the next level because I'm still at square one. I want to kiss him. But I can't. Those words of his really knew how to make my days better.

"Let's head to the Ferris wheel , this could be our last ride since it's almost time to take you back." says Harry.

I give a quick nod. Then he grabs onto my hand and leads me onto the ride, hoping I could get my first kiss here. I never had my first kiss and I never really focused about it, but this time I did.

We finally got on after waiting a few minutes, waiting for a reaction. Oh crap. I forgot that I'm totally afraid of heights. Oh shit oh shit.

"Harry! I'm--I'm scared of heights!" I let out, panicked.

"Danielle, Danielle. Look into my eyes. You're fine. You're okay. You're with me." he says, calming me more down a bit.

Closer and closer we got as we locked eyes. I was enjoying every moment. Slowly, we closed our eyes and found our way onto each others lips. Slowly and passionately. It was the most amazing thing I've felt in my life. That was how my life started to change.

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