Chapter 10

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Danielle's POV

It's been a while since I've talked to him. Hours. Days. Weeks. Months. We still attend the same school and all, but no communication whatsoever. My life is totally miserable. So sad and lonely. It was time for winter break, so we got the three weeks off. I was pretty relieved that I wouldn't be off to school for the next few weeks, but I wouldn't be able to speak to the one I love, or I used to love.

It was 9 a.m. In the morning, too lazy to move a muscle out of my bed. Thinking was all I can do at the moment. It felt like my world had burst into flames, slowly killing me inside. I thought, maybe I should go to the party my friends invited me to. I said no at first because I stopped all that nonsense, but it seemed like an amazing idea at the moment.

I decided to roll over to my side to reach for my phone and text Alexandria. I searched her name and clicked on her number , leading me to my messages app.


To: Alexandria ✨

So I was thinking that I should go to the party u told me about. Is Melanie , Max, and Victoria going?


And with that I pressed onto the send button. I knew that this was well needed after everything that had happened. The feelings, the meetings, and the kissing. All of it was irrelevant. And I thought that I would have a good life. What was I thinking ?

I decided to head downstairs to talk to my mother about a 'girls hangout' tonight with my friends and how I would spend the night over Alexandria's. My lying habits were starting to appear again; usually taking a huge amount of time to repair my terrible habits to good girl habits. I didn't give a shit any longer.

"Hey mom! So I have a girls night tonight and I was thinking that I should spend the night at Alexandria's to have my mind off a few things if that's alright with you?" It felt horrid to lie to my mother after what had happened in the past, but I thought that this party would be a huge opportunity to let myself loose.

"Well honey , I was kinda thinking that maybe we should go out tonight for some tacos and horchata, but I guess not." my mother said disappointedly.

"I'm sorry mom, I love you I do. I just don't feel like myself at all. I haven't been out and lately I need a girls night out to let me loose." I smile softly. I love my mom I really do, but to me it's a priority to party late out. I needed to finish what I have started.

"Fine sweetie. I'll let you out, but first I'd like for you to eat some breakfast that I've made for you and then I'll let you out." She takes a sip out of her coffee, carefully examining every move I make.

"Oh and mother I'll be going shopping with my girls." I let out a happy smile. I wanted to make sure my mother wasn't suspicious at all since I always made her curious.

"Yeah that's fine, just go eat."


From: Alexandria

Oh so u thought this through! Perfect, I'll see u in 2 hours to shop for what we need for tonight. And yes the girls are coming with. See u then!


I read the message quickly, and turned the screen off. I picked myself up scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and pancakes before heading upstairs to change.

30 minutes later into finishing my plate, I walk over to the sink to wash whatever was needed to be cleaned, then ran my way upstairs to get myself dolled up.

I closed the door, found my speaker my father gave me of last year's Christmas, and started deciding which clothes to wear.

I picked up a white blouse with blue ripped, folded ended jeans, white vans , and a green jacket to go over. I decided to wear my paper plane necklace that Harry gave me when we first went out to eat together. He told me to wear this necklace when he wasn't around, that this necklace would be a sign of him, that he would always be beside me.

I still cared for him. Plenty.

I ran to the bathroom to braid my hair into French braids and applied some mascara and lip gloss to add some color into my face.

I moved out of the bathroom and searched for my phone, figuring out what time it could be.

11:00 a.m.

Alright, the girls must be here. I got a phone call from Alexandria and soon made my way downstairs to find the most fabulous friends I've ever laid eyes on. Tonight was going to be the night where I craze myself up a bit with no worries.

Harry's POV

"Hey Harry, wanna go hunt out for some food? I'm hungry again." Niall whines. That's all he's been doing. Complaining every hour that he's hungry when we already had eaten. I don't understand how this little Irish kid can eat so much.

"What the hell Niall, we just ate! " Louis exclaims.

"Shut the hell up, Niall. If you wanna hunt, you can hunt on your damn own. I don't feel like going out after what had happened. It doesn't feel the same." I say. After leaving Danielle, after all those amazing times we've hung out, the times we've missed were so...perfect.

I've missed her plenty. I still love her , and always will. Even if she hates me and would never speak to me again. I'll always be there for my girl.

"Fine. I'll go hunt. And uh Harry? You need to let her go, she's your past and we need to carry on." And with that, he left without another word.

"He's right mate, if you don't forget about her , she'll just keep floating into your little head of yours. " Louis was like a father figure to me. Like the one I've never had, but I couldn't agree more with them. I needed to let her go. Forget that she existed, even if it's difficult to forget about her.

"You're right. I need to get her off my mind and I know what to do. Party tonight at 8. Meet me there with Niall. I'll need to hunt to feel alive tonight, so see you soon." I said.

I knew she was going to be there. I felt her and listened to every word she said by that necklace I gave her. That necklace that appears to be a paper plane, the one that she still wears. I loved her and I needed her more than ever. I didn't understand how I kept my distance from her these few months, but I couldn't take it any longer. She'll be mine and forever will be.

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