Chapter 4

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Pack house ^^

It's been about an hour and it feels like 5.

He he's been looking over at me almost ever 5 mins. I wonder why. Probably trying to read me face. You know I have have an expression, so I'm hard to read. But I think he can, cuz he looks sad for me.

After while I fall asleep.

"So are we going to have any more problems, eh Rose TELL ME ARE WE GOING TO HAVE ANY PROBLEMS!" He slaps me with the whip on my back. Leaving a another red mark, that will scar with the others.

I shake my head and a tear leaves my eye. "Ok, now going clear the mess before I hit you again. NOW GO!" I get up fast and grad a shit on the ground. Thank gosh I had a bra on. I go to the mess and clean it fast trying to ignore the plain in my back.

"Faster you piece of shit!" So I start to clean faster. And he walks up behind me and slaps my back with his hand and I winced in pain almost screaming. "I said faster!" Then he pushes me on the ground and straddles my back and grads my collarbone and squeezes than I feel the most pain I have ever felt

Dream over: Roses pov

I woke up with some one shaking me gently saying my name. I didn't realize I was sweating and shaking. I looked over at who was shaking me, it was Scott and he looked worried. Then I remember the dream I had, that dream huntes me very time I fall asleep. I always wake up sweaty and shaky.

"Rose Rose ROSE look at me Rose." Scott sounded so concerned. I turn to look at him, and say " it's ok I'm fine it was just a dream." "No it not ok you where screaming and shaking Rose. Please tell me about it, it will probably make you feel better." Why did he care so much? "Sorry I don't ever remember what happeneds." I lied "ok you sure?" I nod and look out the window. I notice he was pulled over on the side is the road. "Why did you pull over?" I ask "cuz I couldn't get you to wake up." I nod and look at me lap.

I really want to ask why he cares so much but I was afraid. I did t want to get hurt. I wonder how long I was asleep, I'm not going to ask I've already talked to much.

He pulled out of the ditch and started to drive. I looked at the time and it read 4:35. I guess I was so lost in my mind at the slave trade to know what time it was. I don't even remember what time we left.

I don't fall asleep again. So I just listen to the music on the radio. I don't know what song is playing but I like it. As we drive on a song comes on I know it's the song my mom used to sing to me when I was little. It brings back so many memories of the past. My mom, dad, two younger sisters. I wonder if they have moved on with out me. They probably did. But more memories come I didn't notice a tear run down my cheek, then came more.

"Hey are you ok? Why are you crying?" Scott asked worried. "Nothing just over thinking I'm fine." "No your not. Please tell me." "I'm sorry it's to hard to think about sorry please don't be mad." " I'm not mad I understand." Then it fell quite and we drove on.


Hey guys I'll update soon


Love you me readers <3

FateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora