Chapter 16

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Yes yes I know this is from teen wolf . But you'll get to this part in the book


Roses pov

As we pulled out of KCF I almost gaged when I smelt it . It's not that a don't like It, it just sometimes the smell of food can make me feel sick because I'm not use to it, you know.

The rest of the ride was quiet and calm. Except the constant potholes in the road. Ugh.

We pulled into the drive and Scott parked the car. " Rose if you will, please carry in the blanket and pillow from when you first came please. I'll carry the food." I nodded and graded it.

I walk to the front door behind Scott and wait for I'm to open the door but he just stands there. Is he ok? I walk a little to the side of him looking up at him.

"Sco-" he cut me off "shh" he put has hand up with one fingers out telling me to wait. I keep looking at him.

He looks down at the ground and sniffs in deeply. He exhales "get in side and go to my bedroom, lock the door." He looks up at me serious "do not open that door at all, unless it's me, go" I stare at him then run inside. I get to the stairs and hear a loud scream, a mans scream.

I look at the door then at the stairs. I have to follows his rulers.

I run up the stairs and then to his bedroom. I lock the door and stand there, shaking, breathing heavily, so much was happening.

I heard a loud thod. Omg what is going on, I'm so sacred. Is Scott ok? Who's here? Why are they here? So many questions ran though my head at once.

Scott's pov

" Why are you here?!" I say as I had the man out against the wall. "ANSWER ME!" I use my alpha voice. I throw the man on the ground and growl showing my fangs. The man looked up in fear but didn't stop fighting.

I did something that I haven't done in a long time, I roared at him. I held it so long at least a minute. It felt powerful.

This is power I haven't felt in so long. I like it. I want it. I need more of it.

I looked down at the man. I show my fangs again and growled, that shook the whole house. The man backed down, putting hands in the air.

I mindlinked my beta to get his and take him to the cells.

I was so distracted that I forgot Rose was up stairs in the bed room. I bet she's so scared. What if she fears me even more.

I slowly walk up the stairs with my head hung low. I get to my bedroom door and hear a whimper. I'm so mad at myself, so ashamed. I knock on the door and hear another whimper.

"B-b-baby please o-open the door it's just me." I'm almost crying. I open the door slowly and look at my surroundings. All I see is Rose sitting on the floor with her knees to her chest, leaned against the back board.

A tear rolls down her cheek. I clinch my jaw mad at my self. "Rose?" I step though the door way to her. She's stands up and tries to step back but the back board is in her way. I'm scaring her.

I talk in a whisper "please I'm not going to hurt you. I would never ever, ever hurt you. Please trust me." I sod the last words. I slowly walk to her, she's doesn't move. She just watched me.

Now I'm standing right in front of her. She's still against the back board. I don't look up at her though, I looking at  my feet.

" I-i-i think I-i t-trust you." I look up at her shocked. She just said she trusted me. " you-you trust me?" I smile looking at her. She nods.

I'm doing a happy dance in my head, screaming yes. My mate just said she trust's me.


OMG 11k yay



Love you my readers<3

FateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora