Chapter 23

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Scott's pov

I've been trying so hard not the show the pain. It's so bad.

When I walked away from he door earlier today the pain was worse. I had to take 3 headache pills and 2 Advils. But it still hurts badly.

Currently we are driving to the cafe. I thought we should get something to eat before I show her my big surprise.

I park and walk with her to the double doors of the cafe. "After you," and giggles and thanks me. She's so adorable.

"Hi welcome to the DownTown Cafe." She looks at me and submits by curtsying "Alpha nice to see you here to night," I smile and nod. Rose is by my side with the side of her face on my side being shy. "Come with me I'll get you a table." She sits us down and asks for out drinks. Me and Rose sit at opposite sides so we are facing each other.

"Here you are." She hands us out drinks. But I notice she unbuttoned the top of her shirt shower most of her cleavage. She notices me looking and smirks. I look at her face and back to the menu. What a bitch can't she see I have a date.

"Scott I'm going to go to the bathroom." I nod and look though the menu some more. As I'm looking the slutty waitress comes back and sits in Rose's spot. "Finally got ride of her, I don't blame you." She said looking at her nails. "Excuse me." I look at her with angry eyes. "You're way out of her league." I clinch my jaw and look around to see any little kids, lucky for me there's only one other couple in here.

"What did you just say about my mate you bitch!" I stand up. Her eyes widen "Alpha I didn't know please don't hurt me please!" She pleads. "Get out of my pack you slutty bitch! Your not welcome here, now GET OUT!" I yell at her. Her eyes water up, "no alpha please no." That's it, I grad he by the throat and slam her head against the wall, "what did I just say, Get. The. Fuck. Out." I throw her on the floor and she runs out.

I mindlink the beta the make sure she's out. I have to say all just just happened help with my pain, but of course it's still there. Me and my dad talk on the phone earlier and he said once I mark her it will go away, and that when I mark her we can stay apart longer without any pain.

I turn around to see a frightened Rose. She has tears in her eyes. "W-what just h-happened?" I walk up to her but she steps back a step. "Rose she insulted you I get mad, I'm not going to hurt you." I step to her again and she doesn't move. I take her into me and hug her tightly.

"Do you still wanna eat or do you just wanna walk around the pack, I ca show you around." She hesitates, "umm s-sure."

I take her hand and we walk out of the cafe. I'm not going to say any thing to the boss cuz it's the best place in town to eat. "Where would you like to go first," I ask looking down at Rose. She looks up at me, "I don't c-care really." I smiles and walk straight ahead.

We get to out destination and her eyes light up. "Oh my an ice skating rink. This is amazing." I laugh at her reaction. This place is truly beautiful though.

 This place is truly beautiful though

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

( just imagine more people)

"I thought you would like it," I say looking down at her. "I love it," she says looking at the stepping over a snow pile.

"Would you like to skate," I ask. Her eyes light up, "yes, yes but I don't my how." She frowns "don't worry I'm here to help." She smiles and walks with me to the ticket booth. We need to get a ticket to get skate. "Two tickets please." I hand her the money but she refuses "it's on the house alpha, no need to pay." I smile at her generosity. But still hand her the money "then it's a tip." Her eyes widen "I don't-," I cut her off "take the money Margaret please." She smiles and takes it. I know she's has money problems at home with 3 kids and no father. "Thanks you so much alpha." I smile "it's no problem."

She looks down at Rose who was looking at the other skates and holding my arm. "May I ask who is this young lady." Rose looks at her and blushes. "Margaret, this is Rose my mate." I say it with pride. Rose give a small wave and hides in my side. "Congratulations alpha, I'm so happy for you," I smile and thanks her.

She hands us out tickets and we walk to the counter that has the skates. Once we get out skates me sit on a bench I get them on.

Rose has a white creamy color and I have a brown pair. We get them on and walk to the edge of the ice.

"I'll get on first and then I'll help you ok," I say stepping on the ice. She nods and watches you move. I go a couple feet away and and skate back. "Easy peasy." I say grading her hand. She steps on the ice and rocks back and froth trying the catch her balance. I laugh and put my hand on her side to help.

But once I touch her and feel the sparkes the pain and my headache hits me hard. The breath is knocked out of me and I let go of Rose to hold my head. My breaths starts to heavy. I notices Rose lose balance and fell on her butt and she looks up at me puzzled. I fall to my knees and hold my head.

"Scott are you ok? What's wrong," she ask scouting over to me. I try to speak but nothing comes out, guess a heavy breath. "Scott" I don't look up, "Scott," she's says in a firmer tone but I still don't look at her. She grads my face so I look at her. By the way she looked at me I guess I don't look so good.

"I don't k ow what to do Scott please say something." I close my eye "water" is my a can get out. I see her scout off the ice and get a cup of water. She scouts over to me with it and hands it to me. I take it and drink it slowly.

"Thank you Rose." I pick my self up after I calm down. "Scott what was that please tell me." I skate off the ice with her and sit on the bench. My head still aching.

"Rose I've been in pain these past couple of days cuz of the mats bond. My body need to mark you to make it stop." She looks down, "I'm sorry." Why is she sorry she didn't do any thing. "Why are you sorry," I ask taking her hand. "Cuz I didn't let you mark me." There's tear in her eyes. "Hey hey you didn't do any thing you didn't know. It's not your fault at all." I take her face in my hands and wipe her tears.

I look into her eyes and and keep wiping her tears. Her big blues eyes are filled with guilt. "It's not your fault." I whisper. Another tear falls and I wipe it still looking to to her eyes.

I want to kiss her. I need to kiss her. Her pink plump lips just waiting for there first kisses and mine itching to touch hers. Our eyes never leave each other.

I lean in slowly to see if she was ready for it, with my luck she doesn't move and looks down at my lips. I smirk. I lean it closer and see her close her eyes. This is it I'm about to kiss my mate.

Our lips make contact and the world disappears. Her lips fit perfectly into mine. Out lips move in perfect sync.

I pull away slowly and open my eyes, breathless. "Wow," is all she can say. I smile, I just kisses my mate; my beautiful mate. "Was that your first kiss," I ask already knowing the answer. She nods and blushes.

"Mine too"


Oh my gosh!!! They kissed!!



Love you my readers<3

FateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora