Chapter 8

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Roses pov

The last thing I can remember was pain and Scott saying I needed to get some rest. I don't know why but as so as he touched me the pain was almost gone in a blink of a eye. His touched was so warm and it relaxed me.

Right now I'm laying on his bed, well I think it is. My eyes are still closed but I'm not scared, and it's weird cuz I'm alway scared. I hear foot steps from behind me, so I turn opening my eyes.

"Hey baby I see your awake." Scott says in a quiet tone. I nod "what happened last night?" I ask "baby I will tell you after you get something to eat. Are you still tired or do you want to go now?" "What time is it?" I ask sitting up "about 6 am it's really early. Why don't we go back to bed." I nod and lay back down thinking Scott was going to leave. But instead he walks around to the other side. He lays down and looks into my eyes. We stay like this for about a min, then I look down. "Your beautiful and don't let anyone make you think different." I smile. I start to blush and hide my face in the pillow. "Hey don't hide you look beautiful." I peeked out then shove me face deeper in the pillow. Scott crawled closer to me, any closer our noses would touch. "Your beautiful, now get some more rest. I'll be here when you wake up." I nod and turn to my other side, my back to him. He crawls closer and puts his hand around my wast. I could feel his hot breath in my neck. But for some reason I wasn't scared.


Ok don't be mad cuz it's short I got bored with this chapter

Love you my readers <3

FateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora