Stranger Danger

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While Jungkook is looking for some details about what had happen earlier Lynn took the opportunity to search for the twins.

She realize that looking for the two is like looking for a needle in a hay stack, very hard to detect.

After hours of scanning the quiet beach houses the twins were nowhere in sight. The sun was going down soon and Lynn needed to find the twins fast or else something terrible will happen to them.

"Lea! Ailee!"

"Where are you!?"

Trickling beads of sweats kept dripping on to Lynn's body. She wiped the wetness on her forehead as she kept on the look out.

"Lea! Ailee!" She called again, and still no sound of their voice nor their presence were known.

"Do you need help?" That same voice made Lynn jumped up in surprise when she switch her body around to see Peach ..again.

She gulped but remained calm. She hesitantly nodded to his question.

"H-have you seen my kids..they're twins" she says running her hands through her wet hair.

"Ah no ...I haven't seen kids running around in this area..would you like me to help you look for them?" He smiles innocently.

She sigh but she was desperate in finding them, if she came home empty handed Jungkook might burst into flames and she'd be at fault for not trying to find them better.

With a weak smile her and Peach ran from different areas hoping to witness the two kids wandering around the neighborhood.


When Jungkook seen Lea just instantly talked to him back, inside of him was in rage but subdued quickly when Lea walks away with her head low.

He looked down on his feet remembering of all the things he's done. And what Lea said was true ...he was a lier too and that didn't give him the right to say that back to her, honestly a very hypocritical moment there.

He felt bad and all he wants is to apologize for what he said. He just wanted to see them again, to have them back in his arms which is all he wished for.

"They look up to me and call me dad yet I couldn't even trust my own kids ...I feel like shit right now" he said to himself.


After hours and hours of searching they finally found the twins.

The two have been sitting on a swing while their heads were low.

"Lea! Ailee!" Lynn shouted.

The twins lifted their heads up in unison, but with a weak smile they hopped off the seat running towards their mother.

Lynn extended her arms as the two hugged her back.

"Mommy!" They said.

"Ohh thank god you guys are  okay..I was worried sick about you" she said giving them kisses.

"Hello guys" Peach said as he waved his hand.

The twins glances at each other. They knew exactly who he was, and why he was here all this time.

"Mommy we should go! This man is evil!" Lea says.

Lynn only stared at them then back at Peach who was glaring at the twins till he sees Lynn staring back. Shortly with a smile to cover up his frown he dismissed himself from the three.

"Mommy! Your really gonna let him get away! He's a bad man, he's been following us all day" Ailee shouted.

Lynn sigh in frustration, as much as she wants to believe the twins there was really no evidence for Peach to be doing what the twins thinks he's doing.

Even if they were right about him seeing him everywhere that could just be coincidence.

She wiped her sweat again and held the twins hands.

"C'mon guys lets go back. Daddy is waiting for you two"

"But mommy! The man!" Lea whines.

"Lea we don't have time for this, I don't know what you think about Peach but I'm sure he is not a bad guy."

"You people are so clueless!" Lea whines.

"Lea I've ..we've all had a long day and I'm tired and sweaty and I don't need to have some argument on someone right now. Let's just go home and cool off some steam.. K?" Lynn says.

"Fine!" Lea shouted.


When the three girls finally came home before the sun set, Jungkook decided to talk to Lea alone.

Even if she was a bit nervous and a little scared she nodded her head as she went to her parents room.

Jungkook sat on the couch and Lea sat across from him. She fiddled with her fingers scanning the floor avoiding her fathers eyes.

It seemed like Lea wasn't going to talk ..yet. But Jungkook had something to say.

Since she wasn't even paying attention to him, he got up walked towards her and kneeled down. He lifted her chin up, but just like him ..she was stubborn.

He chuckled to make the quietness disappear.

"" He smoothly said.

"I'm very sorry that I haven't been listening to you. So if you have something to say from now on, my ears will be all yours" he said poking her cheeks.

She wouldn't budge but he kept provoking her with kisses and pinching of the cheeks and miraculously he notice she had a small smile form, but when she looked up it was gone again.

"Lea..look I know your mad at me but please don't ignore me like this. I can't stand to see one of my daughters hate me" he says.

"I I don't hate you ...I love you daddy. But sometimes you and mommy never really pay attention to us." She mumbled but enough to make Jungkook head her loud and clear.

He nodded his head understanding where she was coming from. When he was young his father never payed much attention to him and that's exactly what he's doing to Lea.

He then hugged his daughter tightly and she hesitantly wrapped her small arms around her dad.

" that we're good again..tell me about this black van?" He says.

Lea smiles in glee. "Not so fast..what do I get when I give you some informations?" She slyly smiled.

Jungkook bit his lips as he thought about it.

"A new tiger? Some toys?" He says.

"No ..not those.. I just want my family together without any problems. And I was thinking we should all get hand made necklaces symbolizing that we are a one whole family." She says, and for the first time Lea has somehow found her sweet side.

"I get my family back is all I want" she summarize.

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