Lets Smile Again

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Jungkook wiped his tears from his puffy eyes that wouldn't stop raining sadness, he bought roses and wrote a letter to Lynn placing it in a pink box. With the thought of killing himself just so he could do no harm to her he picked up the pace and immediately took out leaving Athena.

He marches out the front about to open the car door till Athena came running out looking like she was about to explode.

"Where do you think your going!?" She shouted in anger.

"Somewhere..." He simply said.

She pulled his arm so he could see a better look at him. "Your drunk Jungkook! You're going to get yourself hurt!"

"I don't care." He sighs.

"Jungkook a-are you leaving me! Are you going after Lynn!?"she shouted again.

"I have something to give her." He says placing the gift inside the car.

"N-no! I forbid you to go after her! Jungkook your mine SHE CANT HAVE YOU DAMMIT!" She shrieked stomping her feet in frustration.

"I'll be back.." He said.

Jungkook got inside his car starting the engine on, he scratch his head when Athena happened to be standing in front of the car not wanting him to leave.

He rolled down his window "Get out of the way!" He yelled.


Jungkook then back up his car and maneuvered to the other direction leaving Athena falling to the ground crying for him to come back.

When he finally was at her apartment complex he parked his car taking the items with him. He walked inside taking the elevator and marches his way to her area, he soon stood tall in front of her door hoping she'd open the door and hug her before committing suicide.

Suddenly the door started to rattle and Jungkook frantically hid himself away peeking through the hallway. The door opened revealing Lynn holding onto their child which caused Jungkook to instantly pout our his tears even more, he covered his mouth so she wouldn't hear her and it worked. He watched her walked away disappearing instantly only nothing but little image of her back kept popping out from his head.

He wiped his tears going out once again placing the box on her doorstep then left.


Jungkook chugged and chugged on so many alcohols while he sits by himself watching a girl entertain him, he yelled at her once in awhile telling her to dance better because she keeps failing.

Jungkook ended up telling her to leave giving more time to drink and smoke.

He got to the point where his eye sight became blurry and every time he tries to get up he'd fall right back down again.

He laughed a bit as tears kept flowing and his eyesight began to droop down till someone came in holding onto his head placing onto their lap.

"Sshhh it's okay oppa, I'm here now. I don't hate you nor do I despise what you've done. I love you too much to hate you." She smiled as she caresses his head.

The voice was too much for him to keep it all in, even though he was drunk he still hasn't forgotten that treasured voice he always adored to hear.

His whole body shut down from the tiredness and frustration he had been facing


8:50 am.

Lynn prepared breakfast for the three of them, Jungkook slept like a baby last night and haven't even moved an inched.

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