I Hate You!

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The Next Day...

Chloe and Beca walked into the kitchen to see Aubrey in her tight gym clothes cooking bacon (well it's actually fat-free bacon) and eggs.

"Morning Love Birds!" Aubrey exclaimed in a rather suspicious tone.

"Bree, is something up?" Chloe asked her.

"No, I just thought I would cook you breakfast before I went to the gym! I try to be nice and you think i'm up to something-"Chloe tried to interrupt her sentence. "Chloe don't bother i'm going to the gym!" She ran out of the apartment holding her mouth as if she was about to puke.

"No Bree wait! That's not what I meant!" Chloe shouted as she attempted to chase after her. But she was stopped by Beca. "Chlo, leave her she obviously wants to be alone!"

"Yeah I suppose you're right!" She muttered as she closed the door.


At The Gym....

Jesse was sitting by a punching bag staring at Aubrey whilst she did her stretches

. 'Wow she is so fit for someone so lean!' He thought to himself. What he didn't know was that he had unconsciously dropped his jaw! Aubrey turned and looked at him and curled her face because of the way he was looking at her, at that precise moment a boxer hit the punching bag so hard it whacked him in the face! After he had come too he saw no sign of Aubrey but was instead lying on Chloe's bed with Beca holding an ice pack on his temple and Chloe was bandaging up the cut on his arm.

"Where's Aubrey? I have to talk to her!" He tried to get up but Beca stopped him.

"She's having a go at Bumper!" Chloe said. "He swapped her fat-free bacon for full fat!"

"Gosh why can't she eat like the rest of us?" Beca said sounding really annoyed.

They turned to hear shouting coming from the corridor outside the apartment.

"Bumper! I don't give a fuck about whether he loves me or not! I hate his guts! Tell him to get out of my life!" Aubrey shouted at him.

"That's the thing! He won't give up.... we've tried everything to persuade him not to continue to harass you but he just WON'T stop!" He shouted back.

"JUST TELL HIM THAT IT'S NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!" She shouted back and walked through the front door. "How much of that did you hear?" She asked Jesse.

"All of it! I brought these for you to say sorry for taking advantage of you and I guess I niedn't have bothered!" He said as he ran off.

"What?" Aubrey questioned them.

"Bree, that was a bit harsh wasn't it?" Chloe asked.

"He ruined my life! There is no way i'll ever forgive him!" She shouted at them "Now if you don't mind, I have studying to do!" With that she walked out of the apartment.

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