Chapter 9.2

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Damon paced in his room.

Nothing he tried worked, and now the family was on the State radar.

All for nothing.

He kicked the bed, but satisfaction never followed, only a throbbing in his foot.

Handing out fliers with the Prominent group had only been the first meeting. After two more benign meetings (benign in terms of lack of violence, but not prejudical vitreeal), Gromer messaged all group members a new location.

An apartment.

Damon assumed the place to be Gromer's, but when a young man answered the door, he backed away.

"I'm looking for Gromer?" Damon held up his hands.

"He's inside. He said more of you would be coming. Kind of exciting," the stranger said.

The man wasn't a regular member, and the decor of the apartment screamed light colors, which meant anti-Prominent.

Things got further confusing when the young man served them all drinks, as Prominents vowed to live a "dry" life.

Gromer held his cup, as did every other group member. Damon dared not a sip.

"Let's plan a protest cycle!" Their host unveiled a large screen in the middle of the coffee table, complete with dates, times, and locations. "Obviously, only one person per area, or the Staties will break it up. We want to be somewhat heard, not completely muffled."

Finally, Gromer put his drink down, disrupting the touch screen interface.

"Hey!" The host put the drink on the floor. "What's your problem? No drinks on the interface!"

"We're not here to protest, at least, not for what you believe in." Gromer smiled, but lacked warmth.

Two of the other group members got up and flanked either side of the young man, waiting on Gromer to speak.

"We're here to work hard, and educate the populace on Prominent values."

"Hang on. Prominent values?" Now he looked alarmed.

"Values homos and pedos like you would never understand," Gromer said softly.

He grabbed the drink and poured it over the young man's head, who sputtered and stepped away. On either side, two men grabbed his arms and held him.

"That drink's too good for you. We've something more your speed." From his coat, he took out a vial of blackish liquid.

When he uncorked it, a pungent smell took over the room. Damon recognized the smell of feces from changing Helia's diapers.

From his face, the young man also knew what was in the vial. He clamped his mouth shut, but Gromer held his nose until he gave up and opened his mouth to breath. Opportunity in place, the vial was poured down his throat.

As he gagged, Gromer laughed. After a few seconds, he choked, burbling on the filth. The darkness smeared his mouth, and came back up all over the floor.

"Darkness to educate!" Gromer kicked the young man, who was already bent over from puking.

Damon's instinct was to run to the man's aid, and shield him from any more harm. Then he thought of his family, and how compromised they would become if he revealed his non-Prominent affiliations.

He had no choice but to watch Gromer beat the young man unconcious. He nearly puked himself, both because of the smell and the violence witnessed.

Later, Gromer took him aside and asked him to upload a video to the CAD Prominent servers.

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