Some thoughts on gender

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I witnessed, or took part in, many of the scenes in this story. Sub-conscious stereotyping is very much alive, and it takes many forms. Obviously, in Obsolution, gender stereotypes take center-stage.

Recently, I've had conversations with friends that made me think more on the gender stereotypes present in our everyday culture. 

Subjects/assumptions ranged from (excuse any explicit language, as it is not used to offend. These terms are merely the ones people choose to use, at times, when speaking about gender 'norms'):

Girls can compliment other girls, but when men compliment other men, that means they're gay

What's wrong with telling a joke featuring rape? It's a joke

Bi-sexuality isn't real. You're either gay or you're not

If a woman is dresses slutty, she probably is a slut

Prostitutes or other sex workers want to be in that profession; otherwise, why would they be doing it?

It's unnatural to be gay. Even wild animals aren't gay.

Children shouldn't be taught about sex in school, as this would promote promiscuity

Of course, there are going to be people who agree with these statements, and people who disagree. Taking a post-structuralist stance, when each statement is considered, they can mean different things entirely, for entirely different reasons. Each statement has an extremely complex and often controversial answer.

Does the topic of gender disgust/bore/annoy you? Why?

Have you ever been discriminated against because of your gender or have you witnessed an instance of gender discrimination?

Do you know of a book, website, quote, or person who speaks out on this topic? Please, throw any recommendations my way.

Any comments on this chapter will not be judged, and if a conversation develops, it wil remain civil, or the content will be blocked.

This can be a space to discuss gender concerns or non-concerns. Share a story, share your doubts, share your criticisms.


Share your story (you can PM me a story if you don't want to comment, and I will post it within the chapter anonymously)

I work at a retail store. Two days ago, the cleaning crew was scheduled to strip/wax the floor. I was tasked to move all the boxes and grids to the back room. As I did my job, using a hand-truck to make things easy, my boss noticed me.

"Do you want me to get one of the guys to help you?"

I wheeled past him. "By guys, do you mean someone who works here, or a guy guy?"

He smiled. "A guy guy."

"Why does it have to be a guy?"

"Because they can do the work!" He said it as though the fact were obvious.

As I picked up yet another stack of boxes with the hand-truck, I asked, "Then what is it I'm doing right now?"


Any similar stories or thoughts?

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