Chapter 1; Omega

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-Storms don't last forever-

Kaya's POV

I've been in the car for the past 13 hours. Second day of driving from a small town outside Chicago to Beacon Hills, California. While I practically packed my entire life into my moms small Prius she continued to tell me how blessed we are to be able to support ourselves by moving across the country. I was really trying to not be hard on my mom because she did lose her husband but everything's been crazy since the day my dad died.

"Mom, who exactly gave you this job?" I asked warily trying to stretch my legs out over the dashboard.

"A fellow cop that I have become friends with through technology and training conventions. He has a son that can help you in your new school too!" She said smiling back at me. Great, another person I will owe something to. I hate getting help from people. It's annoying and it makes me feel weak.

"We're almost there and they'll be there to help us unpack so please don't be rude." She finished giving me a worried look. Even better, now I get to make my first impression after being in a car all day. As we followed the GPS to our small house in a woodsy area of Beacon Hills I decided to observe my surroundings but to be honest there wasn't much. The whole town seemed to be planted in the middle of a freaking forest! The basic necessities for a town were scattered along grid like streets lightened by flickering street lights.

"Great town" I mumbled under my breath as we pulled into the driveway of our new house.

"Welcome to Beacon Hills!" The older man in a cop uniform who I assumed to be the Sheriff said. A boy with a buzz cut was standing behind him awkwardly looking at his feet and kicking a pebble. Weirdo.

"Hey Sheriff! Long time no see!" My mom said hugging him. Really? Does he not have a first name? "Well this is my daughter Kaya." She said motioning to me. I offered a small smile and gave a small wave as I started to unload my boxes.

"Stiles." A voice behind me said causing me to jump and hit my head. I turned around to see the boy with the buzz cut.

"Ow, oh hey Kaya." I said rubbing my head as he went to grab a box.

"Sorry, uh well this is going to sound really bad but I really need to go. My,uh, friend is in the hospital and I'd like to see her." He said rubbing the back of his head as he put the box down inside my house.

"Oh, well go see her! I'm sure Ill see you at school tomorrow!" I responded giving a forced smile unsure of whether he was lying or not.

"Yeah! I'll see you tomorrow Kaya!" He said booking it across my lawn to his jeep across the street. He clumsily opened his door and waved goodbye before speeding off.


When we had finished bringing all our stuff in the Sheriff apologized for his son, again. He had done it at least 15 times since he left.

"Sheriff, we got a 103. Teenage girl runaway from the hospital. I need you down here." His walkie buzzed in.

"We'll I better take this. I'll see you in the morning Lynn." He said gesturing goodbye before excusing himself from our house.

Soon after he left I said goodnight to my mom and went to my room so I could get a good night sleep before school. Unfortunately, that's not what happened. My mind was racing, nothing could stop me from feeling like we had betrayed my dad by leaving.


I woke up the next morning to my alarm screaming at the top of its lungs. I quickly showered letting the steam of the warm water undo the stress that was coming from first day jitters. When I was done I threw on a floral skirt and a sweater letting my long brown hair fall into its natural curls. As I headed downstairs I noticed I didn't have enough time to eat breakfast and grabbed the keys to my moms car. The sheriff gave her an early morning drive to work because they got some case about a grave robbery. The school wasn't far from my house so it didn't take long to get there and I parked in the first spot I saw. Everyone was flooding in the school so I kept my head down heading to the locker I had been assigned before we arrived.

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