Chapter 7; Frenemy

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Kaya's POV

I woke up to my mom coming in at around 2 in the morning.

“Hey mom, why are you home so late?” I asked groggily, walking over to the kitchen where she was fixing herself a snack.

“There was a freak accident at this club downtown, 6 kids paralyzed from the neck down and claiming they saw a monster on the dance floor. Basically, a lot of paperwork.” She said rubbing her hand and laughing slightly. I smiled at her but I knew exactly what happened. Jackson. We carried on a small conversation before we both decided that sleep was more important.

Getting ready for school in the morning was difficult. In complete honesty, it looked like I had been run over by bus. After a shower and several minutes of doing my hair and makeup I decided that I looked good enough and went to say goodbye to my mom. When I got to her room I heard her gently snoring and decided not to wake her. My drive to school was pretty uneventful, hitting every red light as usual. I pulled into the parking spot that I claimed as mine. A knock on my window made me jump but it was just Stiles.

“Hey Kaya! So I was wondering, want to come help me watch Jackson. I figured he’d be less likely to hurt a girl.” Stiles asked with a dumb smile on his face.

“You have Jackson?! Is he locked up?!” I asked ignoring his question.

“Yeah, so you in?” he asked walking around to the passenger side of my car.

“Sure, just give me directions.” I said starting my car again.


“So scales? Like a fish?” Jackson asked annoyed

“Nah, more like a reptile and and uh your claws have this liquid that paralyzes people, and you have a tail.” Stiles responded sounding bored.

“I have a tail?” Jackson asked even more annoyed.

“Yeah, you have a tail.”  I interjected

“Does it do anything?”

“No, nothing we know of?” Stiles responded

“Can I use it to strangle you?” Jackson suddenly jumped at him.

“Yeah, you still don’t believe us. Alright, the night of the semi-final game what did you do right after?” I asked rudely. What can I say he was pissing me off.

“ I went home.”  Jackson responded

“Are you sure about that?” Stiles asked

“Yes you idiot, what the hell else would I do?”  Seriously, I want to punch him.

“You attacked us and Derek at the school and you trapped us in the pool. You also killed a mechanic right in front of us, that was cool by the way, really lovely. And one of Argents hunters.” I said menacingly

“Oh, and last night you tried to kill Danny.”  The bantering continued for a while nothing really important popping up.

“Alright than tell me this what happened the night of the full moon?” Stiles asked

“Nothing.”  We left the car and Stiles started typing another message to Jackson's dad.

“They know. They know Jackson’s missing. My grandfather told me his parents went to the police.They know.” Alison said literally coming from no where.

“Oh my god, oh my god.” Stiles said dropping the phone and getting into the truck. Alison and I followed closely behind him.  We drove to another part of the woods and Scott met us there. Apparently Jackson recorded himself turning and the video was on Danny's tablet which is missing.

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