18. I want to fall asleep with you in my arms

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Hermione had apparated to Grimmauld Place in order to collect her possessions. Harry hadn't been back from the Ministry yet, but Kreacher had helped her pack everything and then apparate it to the Manor. She had left a note for her friend so the he would know where she was in case he needed to contact her.

Draco meanwhile had used a bit of magic to enlarge the closet in order for Hermione's clothes to fit in next to his own. He had been looking at his room when he was finished. She hadn't seen anything of the Manor except this room yet. He would need to show her the rest of the house soon. He was dreading it. Too many bad memories were lingering around this place. Not only the time evil incarnate in form of Voldemort had resided in the Manor had brought untold horror. His father and grandfather before him had seemingly taken great care of destroying the warm and welcoming feeling he had read about. This house had been a haven of knowledge, of study and had welcomed travellers from far afield, who wanted to consult the extensive library.

The library. He would show her the library first. She would love that. Then the kitchen to visit the house elves to show her that they were happy in his service. The dining room... He shivered. The memories of the happenings in that room made even him uneasy. He didn't want to ever have to go in there ever again! He called for Janas.

"Master?" She bowed deeply.

"Lock the dining room. You know which one. Nobody, and I mean nobody, is allowed to enter it, if I am not there."

"Yes, Master."

She vanished again. He sighed. Lost in thoughts he sat on the edge of his bed. Their bed. He turned to let his gaze wander over the quilted spread. His grandmother had sewn this spread he remembered, no magic just simple needlework. It had been her naming gift for him. He could hardly remember her. Only her smile was still in his memories and her warm hands.

Tonight a dream would come true for him. He would be holding his girl while falling asleep and she would be still with him when he woke up. He sighed contentedly. One moment of good fortune and courage had presented him with the life he had been hoping for. Now all he had to do was making sure she was happy.

Kreacher appeared with the tell tale -pop-. He was holding on to several boxes and a large trunk.

"Master Draco."

"Kreacher? Where is..."

She apparated before he could finish the question.

"Thanks a lot, Kreacher. Just leave everything where it is. I am going to put it away later."

"Yes, Miss."

He bowed and disapparated.

Draco slowly observed the things she had brought. her school trunk looked as battered and used as his own did. Seven years of use left their marks even on sturdy trunks like these. She smiled broadly at him.

"I hope there is going to be space somewhere for my things."

"I have made some space in the closet for you. I suspect there will be quite a few books?"

He grinned.

"Yes." She beamed. "There are, a whole trunk full in fact."

He looked at her with a stunned expression. She laughed.

"You really did believe that, didn't you?"

He realised that she had been pulling his leg, knowing he regarded her as a kind of book fanatic. Which in a way she actually was. He smirked. A very loving smirk she realised.

He helped her stash away her clothes and the books she had brought. When finished he summoned a house elf for some diner.


They were sitting next to each other at his desk. He glanced sideways at her.


"I want to... want to..." His voice just trailed off.

She looked at his dreamy face.


No answer.

"Ju-hu! Draco!"

Waving a hand in front of his face didn't get him back to reality straight away. It took a long moment.


Was there a hint of blushing?

"You said, that you wanted something. What?"

"Wanted something? Oh, yes..."

His gaze was shifting with what appeared to be indecision. Hermione waited patiently for him to carry on. Smiling at him.

"Hermione, I want to sleep..."

"Go on." There was an encouraging smile accompanying her words.

Averting her eyes he mumbled. "I want to fall asleep with you in my arms."

He felt like a bumbling first year. After a few heartbeats he finally gathered all his courage and looked up at her. She gazed at him with a loving expression.

"Me too."

He let out a heavy sigh of relieve.

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