21. Rita Skeeter has happened!

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I know, it has been a while since I have updated. Life alas has been not treating my too kindly recently... but here is the next chapter and to all of you lovely readers that expressed the fear I could end the story already, don't worry! There is a lot more to come yet.

Enjoy! And please comment, fan vote!


The next morning Draco and Hermione had another relaxed breakfast in bed. She had protested for what appeared to him for hours before she finally gave in and let herself be spoiled by him. He had been wondering, if this might be the right moment to execute a very specific one of his plans, but decided against it. It could wait.

After they had eaten, he let her have a long bath while going through the mail and reading the paper himself. His mind kept wandering. What would it be like to have a baby? How big or small were newborns? What did they eat? He had a fair idea about that one, but the notion of his girl feeding their child felt more than just a bit alien. When would it become visible for everybody, that she was carrying their offspring? Was giving birth really as painful as he had heard some of the girls in the common room mutter about? Then again, how would they know?

He left the paper only half read on his desk. His mind was spinning now. He was again facing too many questions with too few answers. He paced up and down in front of the windows. There was a strong feeling of longing starting to claw at him. He needed to clear his head and nothing did that better than taking his broom for a ride. He had nearly reached the doors leading to the hallway outside their private hideout, when he remembered that he wasn't alone. He would never be alone ever again! Hermione was with him. If he wanted to go flying, he would need to tell her so that she didn't worry about him having suddenly vanished.

He went over to the bathroom door and knocked.


There was no answer.

"Hermione!" His voice was slightly raised.

He was getting worried.


He sighed. Closing his eyes he leant against the door. Why couldn't he trust her to be okay? Why did his mind have to conjure up the most ghastly images whenever he was even the least bit unsure about her safety?

"I am going to fly for a bit."

There was no answer from the other side of the door.


The door suddenly opened and she stood right in front of him covered only with a large, fluffy towel.

"Can I come and watch you?"

He stared at her. Her skin was shimmering. It reminded him of silk come alive. Her hair was pinned into a mop of curls, some of which had escaped and was now accentuating her glowing face in the most delicious way. His mind tried to fill in the part of her body hidden by the towel covering her. He could still remember the wonderful curves of her supple body, but to see it for himself once more would be so much better...

He slowly raised his hand to her face. His thumb tracing an unseen path over her cheek. She tilted her head towards his touch, closing her eyes while doing so.

"You are beautiful." He whispered before softly kissing her.

He felt like loosing himself whenever she kissed him. Her soul touched his and his heart skipped several beats as her hands were slowly making their way along his arms, traveling up to his shoulders and finally finding the ruffled mess that was his hair. He sighed into her mouth. Tasting this witch was something outside of all things he had ever thought possible. She was unique in the way she caressed his lips with her own. Feeling her tongue exploring his mouth made him wrestle with his resolve not to do anything rushed. If it would be just for him, he would have ravaged her right here, right now.

His hands found the end of the offending fabric that was tugged in. Without thinking he just pulled it free and felt her covering unravel the same instant. He got hold of the edge and stopped it from falling to the floor. Half of her back was still covered, but her front was now uncovered for him to see. He pulled away just enough to be able to see her. She had her eyes still closed and her face was tinged with a pale shade of crimson.

"You are the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world."

He placed soft kisses along from her left shoulder, over her collarbone, her sternum and along to her other collarbone and finally reaching her right shoulder. Still holding the ends of the towel his hands lay on her hips, his thumbs stroking her gently.

Slowly her deep brown eyes opened. Her gaze pierced his soul as she looked into his own. She found them clouded by desire, dark and bottomless.


Her voice couldn't find the strength to express the feelings he was igniting. The spark of wanton within her was steadily growing into an all consuming flame. She bit her bottom lip. He felt so wonderful. His body was nothing short of emitting the heat of a furnace, daring her to burn with him. She wanted nothing more than feel his naked body wrapped around her own again.

His shirt was gone before either of them realised that she had gotten it off him. Her hands were making short work of his belt and buttons. His trousers fell to the floor. He was barely capable of stifling the loud groan that was escaping his parted lips as his boxers followed suit. Her inquisitive hands were en route to rediscovering once known territory, when he got hold of them and looked at her.

"Be mine." There was a rough edge to his voice.

"I am yours." Was her muffled answer as she was feeling wanton heat pooling in her stomach.

He swept her into his arms and carried her to their bed.

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