75. You're quite a looker

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James Mulligan looked up form the paper he had been reading. Narcissa Malfoy had been visiting her son at St. Mungo's in the afternoon, but it was now past seven and she had just returned. A wondering frown flitted over his face for a heartbeat before he stood up and went to meet her in the hall.

"Cissy." he gently kissed her cheek.

It had been only after Draco had been admitted to hospital yet again that he had shown her his feelings in form of a shy kiss for the first time. She had been clearly unsure how to react, but there had been no flinching back on her part as he had noted with great relieve.

"I have been talking to Hermione's mother while I was visiting Draco."

He just smiled encouragingly at her.

"Jay... I have never told you, how important you have always been in my life. I have never been courageous enough to tell you that...," she paused as she felt his arms slowly pulling her into a loving embrace, "I have never told you that I... what I feel for you."

She averted her eyes. He wasn't entirely sure , if she was just a bit embarrassed or if there was something else. He got his answer a moment later.

"You have asked me to marry you once I'm a free woman again."

"Yes, it would make me more than just happy, if you would consent to be my wife."

She glanced into his eyes, wondering if she had ever felt this nervous in her life before. Her heart was beating too fast and there was this overwhelming urge to run suddenly. Not even lying to Voldemort himself had made her tremble like she was trembling now.

James slowly cupped her face.

"Narcissa Black, I love you." he whispered.

It was like they were teenagers again. It was like they were back at Hogwarts hiding in that alcove on the fourth floor where he had first told that her he was in love with her. She hadn't replied back then as she had known what would happen, if her house mate Lucius found out about it.

"I... I love you, Jay, and I'll marry you." she breathed before warm lips were covering her mouth a moment later.


Hermione felt drained. She didn't know how she came to lie next to Draco, but she wasn't complaining about it. To feel his warm body behind her, holding her tight was... She sighed. Feeling his breath fanning over her neck reminded her of the first time she woke up next to him. She had been shocked and elated. Ever since then it was only him that could make her feel this warm and fuzzy by just holding her close.

He was burying his face in her hair and was whispering. She strained her ears in order to understand what he was saying.

"I love you, most wonderful of all witches. I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy." his lips caressed her untamed locks, "You allow me to be who I really am, my most precious love."

She smiled to herself. He was the only member of the male part of the population, Muggle or magical, who had ever told her things like this. It felt a bit weird at times to know just how much he loved her. Him putting her life and happiness before himself was slightly unsettling. Possibly because she knew his happiness and safety being the most important thing in her life as well. Draco and their unborn son were the males in her life who mattered above all else.

"I wonder what you would say, if I did this..."

Unnoticed by Hermione the wizard behind her had slowly shifted and was well aware of her being awake, listening to his musings. He carefully let his hand travel to her hip and pushed her jumper up a fraction. Soft skin welcomed his roaming fingers. Draco heard his witch gasp.


She turned towards him only now realising that he left the realms of sleep some time ago. Seemingly feeling well, if he could come up with behaviour like this. His mouth covered hers before she could say anything more.

Somebody cleared his throat. They let the kiss linger a bit longer before turning towards who ever it was disturbing them. It was Harry. His hands yet again over his eyes.

"You guys should have a warning sign on the door."

Smirking widely Draco kissed his wife quickly before addressing the other wizard.

"What do you expect, Potter, when you invade the privacy of a married couple."

As his wife shot him a look which he ignored while her friend muttered something about this being a hospital. The couple re-arranged their positions so that Hermione was sitting in front of her husband leaning back against him. His arms snaked around her finding their resting place on her baby bump. Though their visitor would have to guess that it was there they lay as the covers were now covering most of them both.

"It's okay, Harry. I'll make sure he behaves."

"You will, will you?" a suggestive grin was aimed at her.

"Yes, I will." she turned her face and kissed his cheek, lightly. His grin widened.

Harry slowly peeked through his fingers and as his friend and her husband were now sitting, him behind her, both propped up by a mountain of pillows.

"I'm glad you're both okay." there was only sincerity in his voice.

"Thanks." Draco's voice was calm, but there was something swinging in his words.

Hermione would have loved to scanned the features of the man in her life, but he kept her trapped within his embrace making it impossible for her to move. She sighed.

"What happened, Harry? Why did the receptionist try to kill us?"

"Yes..." he seemed to be looking for the right words, "It wasn't her attacking us all."

"Excuse me?"

"The thing is," he took a deep breath, " that it wasn't Mrs. Nuttly attacking, but some strange guy from France Shaw had collected earlier that day."

Silence lingered for a while before Harry carried on.

"Dawlish is still in France trying to find out who this guy was and why he came to England in the first place. I've heard rumours..." his voice trailed off.

"About what?" Draco asked with a suspicion laces tone.

"About the possible reasons for this guy showing up here and why he was doing what he was doing."

"What rumours?" Hermione wasn't sure she really wanted to know, but not knowing would be even worse.

The wizard before their bed was taking a seat beside their bed. The worried face was betraying the thoughts running through his mind. It was involving them somehow.

"There is the rumour that he had been somehow recruited or coerced or simply cursed to come to the UK and try to kill either Draco, you both or me."

Who would have been in France and intend on killing them? Lucius Malfoy. Though why he would have added Harry to the list of candidates to be eliminated wasn't absolutely clear. Might the derange Malfoy be thinking of avenging the Dark Lord? Nothing was impossible any longer when taking the scheme of his for the disposing of his wife and son into consideration.

Before any of them could voice their thoughts the door opened and a stern as always looking Henri Shaw entered.

"Potter." it only took this one word to make the addressed wizard take his leave form his friend and her husband.

As the door closed behind him the head of the Auror Office came to stand next to the bed observing the witch and wizard therein.

"I'm not going to beat about the bush here. The last six months have seen me trying to unravel the evil plans of your father, Mr. Malfoy. I'm quite certain that you would have been the easy victim of him, if it weren't for Miss Granger here. After your wedding I would have expected no further surprises concerning the safety of you both. Except that I was seemingly underestimating the scope of the plans we were trying to counteract."

He sat on the chair next to the bed that didn't look like it was made for somebody of his statue, but still wasn't even groaning under the weight it was subjected to.

"As you know, your father will have the ultimate punishment administered and just in case you were wondering why he was still himself, there are tight rules that have to be followed before the time comes for the convict. After all we have been dealing with so far I don't think I'll have to spell out what kind of legal minefield the affairs of the Malfoy family have turned out to be."

"Why have you been...?" Draco started.

"When the Kiss is being scheduled a Ministry lawyer is dispatched to check the situation of the person in question. All legal affairs must be in order before it can he or she can be executed." the expression on the face of the seasoned Auror was guarded as if there were bad news coming,"Were you aware that your father had to be presented with your heir by your official wife, not just the woman that you might have chosen for a marriage according to common law, in order for your to inherit?"

Draco wasn't sure. Had Kingsley told them last October? He felt a cold finger running down his spine when he remembered what else had happened on that fateful day.

"Well, you, Mrs. Malfoy, are going to have to bring your son to Azkaban to satisfy the stipulations of the will your father-in-law has made. Knowing him I'd say he counted on the inability of his son to produce the necessary wife. And son."

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked.

"If your child is going to turn out to be a daughter he'll stay himself for as long as it takes for you to give birth to a son." his eyes met hers, "Except your husband is willing to give up everything he calls his own right now."

The young couple looked at each other. They were sure it would be a son, right?

The head auror stood up and had reached already the door as he turned around and said, "Give my regards to your mother, Mr. Malfoy. Tell her that she's welcome to my brother. Even if I had my misgivings in the past, I know she is the only one for him."

The door closed behind him leaving Draco starring. Hermione was wondering what that was all about.

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