84. "You don't want any details. Believe me."

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Dearest Readers,

this chapter might come as a bit of a surprise...


Draco didn't know for how long he had been sitting in the waiting room. He looked at the people around him. Somehow they had accumulated over time. He had no idea who had informed them, but they had come nevertheless.

There was Potter. He had actually offered to get a hold of Blaise so that the distraught father-to-be had a friend around him, just in case. The Grangers were holding on to each other. His mother-in-law was trying her best not to cry, but he could see the struggle that presented. Sooner or later tears would be flowing. His own mother was sitting next to James and she didn't look any less worried, but he knew she would never let anybody see her tears. Well, maybe the wizard having his arm around her shoulder might.

What was he going to do, should the worst happen and his wife die? What would he do with his son on his own? Then again, it might just be him that was left in the end. His thoughts were filled with dark and lurking images. Though he resisted, for now. He would wait until he had buried them before deciding his own fate.

Was Potter hoping against hope? Was he thinking about the happy times he had shared with Hermione? Was he contemplating the possible outcomes? He would still have Ginny when... Hesitation came with this thought. Would he be able to keep the witch his best mate was intend on winning? She had made it clear that she wouldn't get involved with her bringer of confusion. Though there was doubt, if Blaise would be able to just let her go as he claimed he would.

Once a Slytherin truly loved a Griffindor it was for life, not a fleeting fancy. Snape was the best example for that.

A heavy sigh escaped him. What idle musings these were. If his family died... He would die with them. Even if his body survived, his soul would never be part of this world again.

His gaze fell onto Weasley's parents. They were looking just as worried as anybody else in the room. Mrs. Weasley was holding on to the arm of her husband while dabbing her eyes ever now and then. For some reason the one guy he would have expected to show up wasn't present, Ron Weasley. Why was the weasel missing? Didn't he care for his ex-girlfriend? Hard to believe, though his absence told another story. Though Draco wasn't sorry about him not being present. That was just one thing less he had to deal with and right now he had enough on his plate as it was.


Arriving at St. Mungo's Blaise let slowly go of Ginny. She didn't hastily try to get away he noticed. Taking his good fortune he brushed his lips over her auburn shimmering locks. Though now wasn't the time for any romantic pursued on his part. His best friend needed him.

"You go and find Potter and your friends."

Her gaze was showing the trepidation she felt. He pulled her back into his arms.

"Don't worry. I'm sure everything is going to be okay. She's tough and she would never leave Draco without a fight."

"Do you really believe that?" her voice was full of doubt.

"Yes, Ginny, I really believe that." he cupped her face with his dark skinned hand, "She wanted to be with the guy who has been a walking nightmare for her for years. He is her choice. Getting married to Draco and having his baby means a lot to her. She's not going to let go that easily. If Death really wants her he has his work cut out. Nothing could make her abandon the man she loves."

The witch in his arms wanted to believe it. Though struggled to actually doing so.

"Look at yourself."

She frowned. "What do you mean?"

"How long has it taken Potter to see you for the lovely witch you are? Have you given up on him while waiting for realisation to hit him squarely in the face? No, you haven't and neither will Hermione. She'll be fine, you'll see."

Deep down Blaise was trying to convince himself as much as he tried to convince her. He knew that it would break his friend for good should his love be snatched away from him, not to mention his child.

"I don't..."

"Yes, you do! And now go and find them. I'll be joining you shortly."

A questioning look was aimed at him. He slowly dipped down, gave Ginny a quick kiss and then said, "I'll need to take care of something and then come and join you all."

"I can wait." she offered.

"No. I don't want to have to stay here again, because your man has been trying to perfect his punch on me."

Of course. How could she forget? She sigh and left for the lifts.

Blaise followed her with his eyes.

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