Best Friends and Practices

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After about an hour, Jennifer finally played Boyfriend and once again let the beat course through her whole body. She made her own moves to the beat, popping her shoulders, moving her arms, flipping her head, keeping up to the beat, Justin Bieber’s voice filling the whole building as she hit replay several times to get the little routine she made up down to the very last eight-count.

            Another hour and she finally headed home. Not even bothering to change back into her normal clothes, and shut off all the lights and appliances before locking the door. She turned around and saw her old best friends across the street in their cheerleader uniforms. They looked at her and she gave them a small smile and wave and they returned the favor. She quickly threw her bag in the backseat, started her car, and drove off before they came up to her, asking the standard questions “How have you been? We haven’t talked in a while? How are your parents? How are you holding up?” that she really didn’t want to answer, ever.

            When Jennifer got home, she headed straight for the shower, tossing her bag on the floor in her room and discarding her clothes on the cold tile floor. She turned the water on and made sure the water was at a good temperature before letting her hair down and stepping in the warm water. She closed her eyes as the water soaked her hair and ran down her face, mixing with her silent tears, as the memories once again enveloped her.

            “You’re so beautiful.” He told her, causing her to blush and look down smiling. He chuckled and enveloped her in a tight hug. “I love you, you know that?” he asked in her ear, and she nodded. She smiled and kissed his nose. They’d been watching The Notebook in his room, laying on his bed, just another typical Wednesday for the two.

            “Jeremy?” she said, turning to him after a few moments of silence.

            “What’s up?” he asked, smiling Jennifer’s favorite smile. She couldn’t help but smile in return.

            “Do you ever think about the future?” she asked seriously. He looked off into space and nodded.

            “What do you see?” she asked, resting her chin on his chest. He looked into her crystal blue eyes, all joking gone from his face.

            “I see you, in a wedding dress. Your dad took the day off work to walk you down the aisle. Maribelle and Anna are in bridesmaid dresses, your mom in the front row crying. I see me standing in front of the priest, Steven and Ricardo standing behind me, my dad looking at me from the front row, proud. I see us married with kids; you’re wow-ing the world with your wonderful dance moves, traveling the world, with me by your side. I see us in a nursing home, hanging out with our kids and grandkids, laughing about our childhood, and how we became two people made for each other. I see us dying together, and even after, when we’re gone, we walk into the gates of Heaven, holding hands and smiling. You know what? I can’t even picture my future unless you’re a part of it.” He said, grabbing her hand and lacing it with his. She smiled and he wiped a few silent tears that had made their way down her face and kissed her forehead.

            “I love you.” She said, and sat up to let her lips meet his.

            Jennifer washed the sweat off her hair and body, the memory making her smile and cry at the same time. She shut off the water and wrapped a towel around her body. She walked into her walk-in closet and pulled out a pair of grey sweats and a purple spaghetti strap, along with, of course, underwear and a bra. She got dressed and twisted her hair in the towel. She checked her phone and saw that Scooter had sent her a message.

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