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Jennifer had just finished curling her hair and put the finishing touches on her makeup, a week after going through what she thought was a very emotional week.

            “You look beautiful.” Justin said, leaning against the door frame and crossing his arms, smiling.

            Jennifer blushed and looked down at her deep purple knee-length, long sleeved fitted dress and matching black ballet flats. “I don’t know, is it too much?” she asked self-consciously.

            Justin wrapped his arms around Jennifer’s waist and pecked her on the cheek. “It’s perfect.” He said, and gave her another kiss on her cheek. Jennifer cracked a small smile. “Come on, everyone’s waiting.” He took Jennifer by the hand and the two walked out of the room, but not before Justin could sneak a kiss.

            The two joined Maribelle, Alex, Celeste and Austin in the lobby, where they all headed out to the cars.

            “And they didn’t want to help us find the goddamn Tylenol!” Maribelle cried, and everyone started laughing. They were all at a restaurant, having a triple date, and Jennifer was loving every second of it.

            “Oh, my God. Maribelle tortured us that night!” Jennifer cried, and everyone laughed even harder.

            “Jen, do you want a piece of this cake?” Justin asked Jennifer, who had just finished her own plate.

            “Sure,” Jennifer replied, and Justin used his fork to cut a small piece of his red velvet cake and held it up for Jennifer to taste. When she did, she closed her eyes as the rich flavor danced around her tastebuds. “Mmm, that’s good.”

            Justin chuckled and planted a small kiss on her forehead.

            “Are you guys ready to go?” Celeste asked, and everyone nodded and started to stand, after the guys had each split up the bill, not allowing the girls to pay for anything, despite their arguments.

            As Justin drove the car back to the hotel, Jennifer leaned against his upper arm and closed her eyes.

            “How are you feeling?” Justin asked, and Jennifer smiled.

            “Fine.” She replied, and Justin gave her a kiss on the top of her head at a red light.

            When they finally got to the hotel, they each went to their rooms; Alex with Maribelle, Austin with Celeste, and Justin with Jennifer.

            When Jennifer had gotten out of the shower and changed into her pajamas, Justin walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, making an inescapable barrier with his arms.

            “You looked so beautiful tonight.” Justin said, smiling down at a blushing Jennifer. She giggled and wrapped her arms around his torso, then leaned her forehead against his broad chest. “You all right?”

            “Mm-hm.” She replied, and Justin wrapped his arms tighter around her and rested his chin on the top of her head.

            “Did you have fun tonight?” Justin asked her, guiding her toward the bed, and she smiled, nodding.

            “I had a lot of fun.” She said as she helped Justin pull the covers back, and the two shut off the lamps on either side of the bed. The two climbed into bed and immediately Justin wrapped his arms around Jennifer’s waist and pulled her closer to him.

            “I love you.” He murmured in her ear, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Jennifer was silent for  a moment, then laid flat on her back, turning her head to Justin in the darkness, her damp hair spreading out above her head on the pillow.


            “Yeah?” Justin had grabbed one of Jennifer’s hands and had started interlacing their fingers together, playing with them.

            “How could you… fall for someone like me?” Jennifer asked, blushing, and Justin gave her a skeptic look that she didn’t see in the darkness.

            “What are you talking about?” he asked.

            “I mean, come on, I'm not exactly a happy and cheery person. I mean, when you first met me I was—am—pretty broken.” Jennifer explained, and Justin raised himself so he was face to face with her in the darkness.

            “You’re not broken. You’re whole. And you’re the most beautiful creature I’d ever seen, Jen. Stop downgrading yourself.” He whispered, then lightly placed his lips over hers. “Now answer me something.”

            “What?” she asked softly.

            “Why won’t you let me be your boyfriend?” he asked, and Jennifer sat up, Justin along with her.

            “I don’t know.” She answered truthfully. “I guess… I'm afraid…”

            “What do you have to be afraid of?”

            “I think I'm afraid that if I move on too quickly, that I'll forget… this past year, and the years before that, and I'll start to forget him. And I don’t want that…” Jennifer whispered sheepishly. Justin sighed and gently placed his lips over Jennifer’s again.

            “You won’t forget him. You never forget your first love. That, and… none of us will allow you to forget him. Belle, Scoot, and I… we won’t let your forget him, even if it kills us, okay?” Justin said softly, and Jennifer smiled at him in the darkness.

            “Thank you, Justin.” Jennifer whispered, and touched Justin’s cheek, cupping it in her palm and stroking it with the padding of her thumb. Justin smiled and kissed her palm.

            “So do you want to at least give it a try?” Justin asked softly, his stomach curling with anxiety. Jennifer’s heart leaped, then started racing as she thought about it.

            Go on, do it. A voice in her head nudged. Do it, retard! Say yes!

            “Okay,” she whispered, and Justin chuckled. “We’ll try.”

            “All right,” Justin said calmly, even though he could have bursted with happiness.

            Jennifer giggled and Justin leaned in to press his lips against hers in a featherlight kiss

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